Home / News / BKP talks about the GDP numbers, Pelosi trip to Taiwan, DOJ search Eastman’s phone

BKP talks about the GDP numbers, Pelosi trip to Taiwan, DOJ search Eastman’s phone

The num­bers in GDP are down -.9.

The fed­er­al reserve is say­ing that it needs to use inter­est rate hikes to cool off the econ­o­my. 2021 is run­ning out of Don­ald Trump’s econ­o­my.

Nan­cy Pelosi now invites repub­li­cans to join her in Tai­wan, reports sug­gest after pen­ta­gon dis­miss­es threats from Chi­na that they would shoot down her plane.
White House says it is up to her to go to Tai­wan. The State depart­ment says Pelosi does­n’t do what she wants.

DOJ obtains a war­rant to search John East­man’s phone. For­mer white house aide Cas­sidy Hutchin­son works with the DOJ. closed door depo­si­tion with Mike Pom­peao.

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