Home / News / BKP talks about the Green New Deal, primary elections, and MAGA rejected Establishment

BKP talks about the Green New Deal, primary elections, and MAGA rejected Establishment


The excite­ment is in the air. Trump def­i­nite­ly has the major­i­ty sup­port in the repub­li­can par­ty. If we have anoth­er chance in GA, BKP will come in front and expose all the nev­er-Trumpers. BKPs hope was that Trump would have got­ten bet­ter infor­ma­tion than he did. BKP will nev­er let GA go down in flames with the over­run of the Nev­er Trumpers. 

The Big Lie is nam­ing the Green New deal, Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. 

The demo­c­rat fear is the tak­ing down of the deep state and Trump plans to do that. 

Joe Manchin and the Big Lie, call­ing this bill the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. Krys­ten Sine­ma is try­ing to weigh her options. When Joe Manchin went on all the net­works this Sun­day say­ing that this act won’t increase tax­es. They went behind closed doors with Schumer and what they knew they would put so much pres­sure on her and the demo­c­rat par­ty and dar­ing her to make a move. She moves one way repub­li­cans cheer and moves the oth­er way the democ­rats do the liz Chaney on Sine­ma. If she votes for it all hell breaks loose in AZ and she is done. If you look at the Manchin fam­i­ly tree a Manchin will nev­er switch to Repub­li­can. But what if Sine­ma switch­es to the Repub­li­can par­ty? Sine­ma has said that she will not sup­port a tax increase. The dis­cus­sion that Manchin had with Sine­ma on the floor last­ed at most 10 minutes.The vote against could end her career as a democrat. 

Yes­ter­day MAGA reject­ed the estab­lish­ment in AZ. 

Don­ald Trump let the peo­ple of MO speak for them­selves and endorsed Eric, between Eric Schmitt and Eric Greitens. 

Peter Mei­jer was the incum­bent and was oust­ed by John Gibbs. Peter vot­ed to impeach Trump. John is Trump endorsed. 

Tudor Dixon got 40% of the vote and is Trump endorsed. She will be run­ning against Whitmer. 

MAGA wins in MI and AZ big time last night. 

In KS vot­ers keep their access to abor­tion. Repub­li­cans run­ning on a rapist bill of rights was report­ed on MSNBC this morning. 

Pelosi wears a face dia­per, so when Nan­cy trav­els they have to pack 2 kinds of dia­pers, won­der­ing who car­ries the dia­per bag. 

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