Home / News / BKP talks about the Sinema Delimma, election recap in AZ, MI, MO compared to GA primary

BKP talks about the Sinema Delimma, election recap in AZ, MI, MO compared to GA primary

Krys­ten Sine­ma is wait­ing on the vote for the big lie. The bill up there said that trad­er Joe went behind closed doors with Chuck Schumer to agree on the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act and left Sine­ma out of the deal. Sine­ma is wait­ing to read the tea leaves from the Ari­zona pri­ma­ry elec­tion last night. Sine­ma presided over the Sen­ate floor on Tues­day and there was a shot of Manchin run­ning up to talk to Sine­ma behind the desk.

Gop extrem­ists dom­i­nate Ari­zona pri­maries. Elec­tion deniers dom­i­nate.

Last night bkp went to the Pick­ens coun­ty Board of Elec­tion meet­ing. There is a lot of ten­sion swirling around the May 24 pri­ma­ry elec­tion in Pick­ens Coun­ty. A full report is com­ing at 9 oclock hour.

Today at noon BKP will be speak­ing at the Lib­er­ty Group Tea Par­ty meet­ing to share a few sto­ries. He will be speak­ing about Sav­ing Amer­i­ca because Amer­i­ca is worth sav­ing. The events of the week tend to have a bear­ing on what he is speak­ing about, maybe about the schools and sav­ing the Sen­ate.

Their heads are explod­ing because of the AZ elec­tions and Trump hav­ing the tri­fec­ta. How do you go and run the tables in AZ and in MI and across the coun­try. And com­plete­ly blow GA of all states. Mr. Trump had very bad infor­ma­tion in GA. His infor­ma­tion in AZ is superb and they are good can­di­dates. David Per­due was a bad can­di­date. Trump has Her­schel Walk­er who would have won regard­less of Trump’s endorse­ment. Burt Jones has the mon­ey to run his cam­paign and able to fund his own cam­paign but bare­ly made it past Butch Miller. Trump has a cou­ple of flamethrow­ers in GA that are absolute­ly ter­ri­ble.

Kari Lake may be the next Gov­er­nor of Ari­zona. Ducey and Pence endorsed Tay­lor Rob­son, the same group that endorsed Bri­ian Kemp in GA. They tried to get democ­rats and inde­pen­dents as hard as they could to keep Kari Lake out in AZ. More efforts were put out against Lake in AZ than they did in GA.

Across the state many peo­ple said But our can­di­date is David Per­due. Peo­ple in AZ nev­er said but our can­di­date is Kari Lake

How is the Jan 6 com­mit­tee being received in AZ. Rusty Bow­ers got it hand­ed to him last night boot­ed out. You bet­ter pay atten­tion to AZ.

Blake Mas­ter, Trump endorsed for Sen­ate. He pulls in 39% of the vote. He is run­ning now against Kel­ly the demo­c­rat. It is pos­si­ble that AZ gets anoth­er repub­li­can Sen­a­tor.

Mark Finchem the Trumped back con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists for Sec­re­tary of State of AZ, head­line says Capi­tol Riot­er who com­pared can­cel Cul­ture to the Holo­caust one step clos­er to run­ning Ari­zons elec­tion. It is pre­dict­ed that he will be the next Sec­re­tary of State in AZ. We were told that every­one wants to look past the 2020 elec­tion. We have been sold a bill of goods from the estab­lish­ment. If we dont get past this only the can­di­dates who will win are those who are ratio­nal about the elec­tion. The future of this coun­try is very nar­row if we don’t solve the fraud and our time is lim­it­ed if we move on. What hope we have of a true repub­lic for which it stands will be short lived if we dont solve the fraud and put an end to it.

We were told in GA if we talk about it vot­ers will reject it. Maybe vot­ers in GA are dif­fer­ent than in AZ but if you have can­di­dates for gov­er­nor and SOS in AZ that they will end mail in bal­lots and will put in a res­o­lu­tion to decer­ti­fy the 2020 elec­tions. Remem­ber that at 10pm at night that fox news called the Ari­zona elec­tion with only 10K votes sep­a­rat­ed Trump and Biden.

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