Home / News / Lori talks about Kemps campaign for foster parents, the gas tax, Currahee Military weekend and more

Lori talks about Kemps campaign for foster parents, the gas tax, Currahee Military weekend and more

Mar­ty and Bri­an Kemp have launched a state­side cam­paign for more fos­ter par­ents. They will be try­ing to recruit more fos­ter par­ents.

The Gov­er­nor announced yes­ter­day that he intends to extend the gas tax for­give­ness until mid Sep­tem­ber. It is to help Geor­gians at the gas pump. Many red states have joined in to for­give the state gas tax.

The Cur­ra­hee Mil­i­tary Week­end is the first week­end in Octo­ber from Thurs­day to Sun­day. The fes­ti­val Cer­e­mo­ny cel­e­brat­ing those who have served in the mil­i­tary, a swing dance, a parade, mil­i­tary reen­act­ment is all a part of the cel­e­bra­tion.

Pelosi to her cred­it has a big­ger set than most men in Wash­ing­ton DC. the real­i­ty this morn­ing is that you dont release your sched­ule. Why she played such a PR and laid it out in advance and the new cycles when she was leav­ing and when she land­ed. Releas­ing her sched­ule just irri­tat­ed the sit­u­a­tion.

Their heads are explod­ing just because Trump had a tri­fec­ta last night and had anoth­er MI win last night.

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