Home / News / BKP talks about Biden’s a disaster, Electoral Count Reform Act, oil decreases and more

BKP talks about Biden’s a disaster, Electoral Count Reform Act, oil decreases and more

Joe Bidens approval rat­ing is at 36%. He is a dis­as­ter.

They want a quick pas­sage of an elec­toral count reform act. If there was noth­ing that Mike Pence would have done on Jan 6 con­sti­tu­tion­al. Was John East­man that far off. What does it say to the jan 6 com­mit­tee if they have to put some patch­es in place so it does­nt hap­pen again.

Name it the infla­tion reduc­tion act and just move on. When you hear that they named it Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act dont you just laugh out loud. Is the spend­ing of 700 Bil­lion with tax increas­es just iron­ic.

Joe signed an exec­u­tive order, we are not sup­pose to allow tax­pay­ers pay for abor­tions. The hyde amend­ment is set up so that tax pay­ers dont pay for abor­tions. The gov­ern­ment isnt sup­posed to pay for abor­tions. The gov­ern­ment sends planned par­ent­hood to pay the elec­tric bill that is the rea­son it was try­ing to get defund­ed. Now the tax pay­ers are pay­ing for trav­el through med­ic­aid for the abor­tions. The ques­tion was to ask how does it not defy the Hyde amend­ment? The response was that it is the law and the white house does­nt obstruct the law.

Amer­i­cans in the real world are chang­ing their habits to reduce the amount of gas they are con­sum­ing. The Saud­is are not pump­ing any more oil. The price of a bar­rel is down 4% and the demand is down. They will look at the cam­era and just lie. We heard the pres­i­dent say that the oil increase is because of Putin’s price hike yet the war is still rag­ing and the prices are com­ing down.

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