Home / Featured Segments / BKP and Janelle King talk about the focus of the Walker campaign to win, and GA politics

BKP and Janelle King talk about the focus of the Walker campaign to win, and GA politics


BKP will be at Fan­nin Co GOP on August 15th at 6pm. On Sep­tem­ber 10th BKP will MC the event at Roc­cos for the Con­ser­v­a­tives of Big Canoe. 

BKP and Janelle talk about
Black con­ser­v­a­tives have been pub­lic ene­my num­ber 1 to the black liberals. 

The demo­c­rat spew insults 

No need to respond to the insults but need to focus on the prob­lems that the black com­mu­ni­ties and oth­er minori­ties are 

If you are try­ing to win minor­i­ty vot­ers. They need to mes­sage Walk­er around his core val­ues and not around Fox News. High­light his short­com­ings. They need to authen­ti­cate Her­schel and show the super­fi­cial Warnock. Her­schel Walk­er needs to go on the cam­paign “I’m Just Her­schel and I’m here for Georgia” 

In the debate, Walk­er needs to get to know the issues and have the solu­tions for the issues. And high­light how the demo­c­rat poli­cies hurt the minori­ties and low income com­mu­ni­ties. And force Warnock to dis­cuss his solutions. 

The con­cern is all the peo­ple from around the coun­try that have been rush­ing into the Walk­er team and they don’t know GA. It is not until you are stand­ing in the coun­ty do you real­ly get to know the peo­ple of GA. Let’s bring in a mar­ket­ing team that is not polit­i­cal that can bring in emo­tion and the issues. The com­mer­cials need to get creative. 

In pol­i­tics both sides bring in the best things on the oth­er side of the summer. 

Janelle and BKP dis­cuss the upcom­ing races in GA and the pre­dict­ed outcomes. 

Kelvin and Janelle start­ed Speak Geor­gia, a non-prof­it, a few years ago. Speak Geor­gia is an inter­ac­tive town hall to bring the sub­ject mat­ter experts to the vot­ers of GA. The events will start in the fall. Kelvin’s sen­ate page is her pub­lic fig­ure page. He wants to con­tin­ue to stay engaged. 

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