Home / News / BKP talks about election deniers, Joe’s Big Wins, the media lies, and what’s coming next

BKP talks about election deniers, Joe’s Big Wins, the media lies, and what’s coming next


Fel­low Elec­tion Deniers. If we ask one ques­tion we are labeled an elec­tion denier. This morn­ing we will clar­i­fy and plan a path for­ward. No mat­ter how you feel this morn­ing, you’re not in a Russ­ian prison like Brit­tney Griner. 

Joe Biden’s big wins, the infla­tion reduc­tion act, the chips act, the pact act, bipar­ti­san gun law, killed al-qae­da leader, gas prices plum­met­ing, huge job num­bers and low unem­ploy­ment, not to men­tion the first open­ing­ly gay depart­ment of trans­porta­tion sec­re­tary, first trans­gen­der admi­ral as asst. HHS sec­re­tary, first black woman in the supreme Court Jus­tice. Biden has to go out with the wins. Last week Biden was get­ting bashed and democ­rats didn’t think he should run again, this week it is time to rethink every­thing about the 2022 midterms and Biden’s win. 

A week in pol­i­tics can be an eter­ni­ty. It was just 2 week ago they were doing sto­ries on Hunter Biden. If you don’t burn Joe down you can’t bring him up from the ash­es. To them Jee looks like a genius. The adjec­tives used this week­end: Stel­lar Jobs Reports, Stun­ning Lega­cy. Joe isn’t going in dis­grace, he will go Lyn­don B John­son style. When you know Joe can go, when his lega­cy is complete. 

A 47 year career politi­cian has nev­er made a cor­rect fori­gen pol­i­cy deci­sion, that has nev­er done any­thing but tak­en the Amer­i­can peo­ple’s mon­ey, rad­i­cal racist sen­a­tor, put’em in jail Joe. They have checked off a lot of box­es in the past 2 weeks. The gun leg­is­la­tion, the chips act, build back bet­ter, killing a terrorist. 

Pre­pare your­self for gas prices com­ing. It is quite a Wikipedia page for Joe. We are hap­py peo­ple are feel­ing relief at the pump, but we know why we are feel­ing the relief at the pump. They have set up how great every­thing is. Joe has to go out on top. So polling will go up, gas is down, they will make abor­tion an issue with the win in KS, Warnock has been talk­ing about cap­ping insulin prices. 

The elec­tion will be fin­ished before you real­ize that every­thing they are telling you is a lie. They will tell you that Repub­li­cans got in the way. They saved the plan­et, they cut costs for seniors, they went after the big cor­po­ra­tions, they cut drug prices for seniors, repub­li­cans stood in the way for cap­ping the prices on insulin, Joe’s polling will be up, gas prices will be down, and Joe leaves on a high note. 

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