Home / News / BKP talks about the election deniers at CPAC, upcoming WY primary, and KS abortion law

BKP talks about the election deniers at CPAC, upcoming WY primary, and KS abortion law

Elec­tion deniers take cen­ter stage at CPAC. MTG, Kari Lake, and the biggest Elec­tion Denier Don­ald Trump. BKP report­ing for duty as an Elec­tion Denier.

Doug Ducey releas­es a state­ment that they will be sup­port­ing Kari Lakes can­di­da­cy in AZ.

Get­ting close to the Wyoming pri­ma­ry and to get the per­spec­tive on the Cow­boy state and the con­ser­v­a­tive voice in the Wyoming Polit­i­cal world. We will have David Iver­son to get the feel of what is hap­pen­ing in WY.

Kansas abor­tion law, Kansas was just a start. It will be a polit­i­cal earth­quake. BKP explains what hap­pened in KS abor­tion law. It was 59–41, relax. You are hear­ing in this ruby red state they vot­ed in favor of abor­tion. Every­one gets worked up with what hap­pened in KS. When vot­ers go to the poll on a state con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment most vot­ers will vote no. There is some­thing about chang­ing the con­sti­tu­tion that vot­ers will vote no. The lan­guage in the KS con­sti­tu­tion change is a lit­tle con­fus­ing. And if the vot­er does­nt quite under­stand what the change means the vot­er will vote no. The vot­er will not vote yes if they are not clear on what the changes will be. It is hard­er to undo than to put it on.

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