Home / News / BKP says “Relax” and talks about the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and more

BKP says “Relax” and talks about the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and more

Last night the news hit regard­ing the raid at Trumps Mar-a-Lago home. For some it was an awak­en­ing. Eyes are open­ing. What real­ly hap­pened? But in a sit­u­a­tion like this it is best to gath­er facts and relax. Just like the media likes to go off the rails and assume and pre­dict news sto­ries. Don­ald Trump is a threat to the deep state. Ronald Rea­gan knew there was a deep state. The Bush fam­i­ly played into the deep state. Only when Don­ald Trump took office did we pierce the armor of the deep state. They know that they are fin­ished with Don­ald Trump’s sec­ond office. We will dis­man­tle all these beau­ro­cacisy. There are no coin­ci­dences that we have 1 week until the WY pri­ma­ry. Liz Chaney will be pri­maried. Trump exteniquiced the Bushs and we will extin­guish the Chaneys.

Now what is in the doc­u­ments that are in Mar-a-Lago that are so impor­tant. There arent any coin­ci­dences that the FBI went into the home of Trump on the day that Nixon resigned. No coin­ci­dences after the amer­i­can peo­ple are ask­ing why there will be a new 87,000 IRS agents.

It takes a while for a search war­rant to hap­pen. And you cant pre­dict that this morn­ing because the day after X you will go to Mar­aLa­go. When you have lied to the Amer­i­can peo­ple so bad­ly that you pass a bill that says Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. and with the new 87000 new IRS agents who will they be look­ing at. They have to get the IRS agents off the front page while too many peo­ple find out that this is the biggest lie. They want us to react a cer­tain way. They want to define us as ter­ror­ists and take our eye off 2022 and stop Trump from run­ning in 2024. Mer­rick Gar­land did sign off on the search war­rant to search Trump’s home in Flori­da.

McCarhty is telling the DOJ. This is fresh off the heels of Matt Gaetz say­ing that we need to nom­i­nate Jim Jor­dan as speak­er of the house. McCarthy is assum­ing he will be speak­er of the house, say­ing Pre­serve your doc­u­ments and clear your cal­en­dar. When is the last time the repub­li­cans told us that they will form a com­mit­tee and leave no stone unturned.

What they are plan­ning on telling you is that there are box­es of doc­u­ments that Trump took to Flori­da. Sup­pos­ably there are 15 box­es that they have asked for sev­er­al times that Trump took to flori­da. And there is clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion in the box­es. And the Nation­al Preser­va­tion Act states that you cant take clas­si­fied doc­u­ments. The media showed pic­tures of torn papers in a toi­let the day before the FBI raid.

You have the big lie : infla­tion reduc­tion act and show the pic­tures of the torn paper in the toi­let the day before the raid. They did an ex parte order. Ex parte means that they show the judge that there is such a sense of urgency that the oth­er par­ty does­nt get noti­fied about the search war­rant. This oth­er par­ty was Don­ald Trump. They got this ex parte order not noti­fied by a for­mer Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States.

Keep in mind they want to stop him from run­ning again. It is signed off by the Unit­ed States Attor­ney Gen­er­al, Mer­rick Gar­land. And they dont have to let Don­ald Trump know. They let the secret ser­vice know an hour before going in. report­ing that there were Nation­al Secrets in those box­es, did those box­es have evi­dence of the deep state. Maybe noth­ing is in the box­es and Trump is aggra­vat­ing the hell out of them. They knew what he had when he did Sched­ule F in Octo­ber 2020, the exec­u­tive order let­ting him purge thou­sands of fed­er­al work­ers for dis­loy­al­ty to our coun­try.

To get the search war­rant the FBI had to con­vince a fed­er­al judge that there was prob­a­ble cause of a poten­tial crime and that evi­dence was at Trump’s estate. We could­nt get a judge in the USA to look at the prob­a­ble cause of elec­tion fraud. How the uncon­sti­tu­tion­al change to elec­tion law. Or we cant find a fed­er­al judge to find prob­a­ble cause for the Hunter Biden lap­top.

For Hillary Clin­ton, they called her. And they had a chat with Hillary. We could­nt find prob­a­ble cause with Hillary Clin­ton and 33,000 emails that she erased after she was told by Con­gress to pre­serve them.

But they can roll right in on Trump. John Durham had a lock­down sol­id case and it was thrown out of court and dis­missed.

Is it a coin­ci­dence, Alex Jones text mes­sages have been turned over to the Jan 6 com­mit­tee.

They are med­dling in every elec­tion in the Unit­ed States. Mas­tri­ano is to appear before the Jan 6 com­mit­tee.

It is elec­tion day in WI, elec­tion deniers are on the bal­lot for gov­er­nor.

Who emerged from this yes­ter­day, DeSan­tis emerged as a nation­al can­di­date. He is talk­ing like a nation­al can­di­date. DeSan­tis to head ral­lies in AZ, NM, IN, OH, and PA. DeSan­tis has not been in GA to cam­paign, sources say that Kemp fam­i­ly cringe at the men­tion of DeSan­tis. Does any­one have a state­ment from Gov Bri­an Kemp about the riad in Mar-a-Lago yes­ter­day?

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