Home / Shows / OUR MEDIA IS IN THE CRAPPER, Biden didn’t know?, Mastriano in PA and more

OUR MEDIA IS IN THE CRAPPER, Biden didn’t know?, Mastriano in PA and more


They want to tell you that this took months. You have to go and show sol­id prob­a­ble cause. Our media is in the crap­per. In the west Wing in Trump’s per­son­al toi­let, there was a pic­ture of torn pieces of paper. 

The fed­er­al Mag­is­trate that signed off on the Mar-a-Lago raid is linked to Jef­fery Epstein and is an Oba­ma donor, Bruce Reinhart. 

Joe was busy in Ken­tucky and sign­ing doc­u­ments. And he didn’t know the raid was going on. 

Two days before the raid pic­tures of pieces of paper in a toi­let emerge. Sup­pos­ed­ly Trump tried to flush the torn papers down the toi­let and wouldn’t flush and they lay per­fect­ly in crys­tal clear water, no back­wash and the ink did­n’t run by sit­ting in the water. This was a top sto­ry Mon­day. They want to lead you to believe that Trump want­ed to get rid of doc­u­ments so they don’t know what is in Mar-a-Lago. Trump has been gone for 2 years. So who is the weird kid that is in charge of going in after the Pres­i­dent to check the toi­let and then hold it for 2 years and keep it until 2 days before we go to get the doc­u­ments in a raid. We will let you know when to release the pictures. 

They want to get rid of Doug Mas­tri­ano. His inter­view on Jan 6 last­ed 15 min­utes. He didn’t answer any ques­tions. Mas­tri­ano is run­ning for Gov in PA. he is try­ing to get rid of the demo­c­rat and put PA back in the col­umn for Trump, legal­ly. He says when he goes in and tells them to record the entire thing and play in the entire­ty or wait until after the elec­tion to release his tes­ti­mo­ny. They didn’t agree to either one. 

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