Home / News / CALMING AMERICA DOWN? What Probable Cause sent the Crooked, Corrupt FBI to Mar-a-Lago

CALMING AMERICA DOWN? What Probable Cause sent the Crooked, Corrupt FBI to Mar-a-Lago

Trump did­nt return things. Trump took these box­es and he returned 15 but still has 12. The Nation­al Archives need­ed a crooked cor­rupt FBI to go down there there were 30 agents and 20 cars. Is Mar-a-Lago not a pub­lic place? The Secret Ser­vice was noti­fied an hour before the arrival. What if Trump had been there? It had to be a big fias­co. They could­nt go through the nor­mal pro­ce­dures.

He declas­si­fied the doc­u­ments before leav­ing the White House.

If you need a cor­rupt FBI, who else do you call? The for­mer FBI Direc­tor Andrew McCabe to say there had to be some­thing to exe­cute a war­rant. Is this the same McCabe that they were talk­ing about the insur­ance pol­i­cy to stop Trump.

Was it clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion? The media explains that you cant make clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion retroac­tive. They want you to calm down. Try­ing to explain away what they did. They need­ed those box­es back or did they need a box to plant evi­dence in. They just might. The peo­ple that cre­at­ed the fake dossier. The peo­ple that just passed a piece of leg­is­la­tion called the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. The peo­ple that signed a let­ter say­ing the Hunter Biden lap­top is Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da.

They are going to explain a search war­rant. You got to go in with prob­a­ble cause. Only when it per­tains to Don­ald Trump and the con­ser­v­a­tives they are abel to find prob­a­ble cause. Yet not one court was able to spot prob­a­ble cause where the 2020 elec­tion was con­cerned. Wit­ness­es, affi­davits and no prob­a­ble cause. Miss­ing batch­es of bal­lots. Nev­er found prob­a­ble cause. And you have to prove that the evi­dence is still at the loca­tion, or is it link­ing Trump to Jan 6.

The Fed­er­al Mag­is­trate is the Judge in his pri­vate prac­tice rep­re­sent­ing Jef­fery Epstein part­ners.

Calm­ing Amer­i­ca Down. Dave Aron­berg, State Attor­ney, Palm Beach Coun­ty says Trump could go to jail. Trump could be indict­ed. What if they could find some­thing that could link Trump to the Atlanta Ful­ton Co inves­ti­ga­tion. In less that 90 days the repub­li­cans could have the house and the sen­ate. And then here comes Trump, he will be on the main stage. He will be the front run­ner and the nom­i­nee for Pres­i­dent. They are try­ing every­thing. They are at their wits end. Trump isnt home and the FBI has to plant some­thing in these box­es.

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