Home / News / A Quiet Media on Inflation — Republicans have to start TALKING to people.

A Quiet Media on Inflation — Republicans have to start TALKING to people.

The media is very qui­et. They are very cau­tious about the Biden admin­is­tra­tion announc­ing zero infla­tion. They went nuts yes­ter­day about infla­tion com­ing down but they spin the low­er infla­tion on fox news to leave the sub­lim­i­nal mes­sage that things are get­ting bet­ter. CNN is try­ing to turn the ship around on infla­tion.

Ener­gy prices in Europe are a dis­as­ter. They are pro­mot­ing that they want to calm it all down. But you know and arent wait­ing for the gov­ern­ment to tell you. And you know what it is cost­ing in the gro­cery store and what you’re pay­ing at the pump. And that is not ok with you.

Remem­ber when states had tax free week­ends for back to school for sup­plies and cloth­ing. They dont do tax free hol­i­days any­more. It was before COVID. We arent wait­ing for the reports from the gov­ern­ment. How many peo­ple out there are pay­ing the min­i­mum on the cred­it card when you use to pay off the card?

How many are applied for a mort­gage and when you go to the clos­ing the inter­est rate is raised so much that it takes you out of own­ing the home. YOu and I know the real­i­ties.

You have to talk to peo­ple and dont get into peo­ples per­son­al busi­ness and dont get into their polit­i­cal views. But talk to peo­ple at the gas pump. Say hel­lo. Amer­i­cans are talk­ing to each oth­er. Say by the time you pay for gas, and pay your employ­ees I don’t know how you do it. But I don’t know what you will do once those 87K IRS agents come after you, the small busi­ness own­er. The bot­tom line is the hair­dress­er, the small busi­ness own­er in the house, lawn care, painter, and the bil­lion­aires have attor­neys. They get the IRS let­ter in the mail. It goes to the 14th floor and they have a whole floor of attor­neys and accoun­tants that deal with this all the time but the small busi­ness own­er is done. Unless you’re a bil­lion­aire you dont have the mon­ey to fight the irs. And when the col­lapse all the small busi­ness­es that are in the way of all of the cor­po­ra­tions. The rea­son they go after small busi­ness­es is because we dont com­ply. When they get rid of all of us we can turn around and com­ply and get gov­ern­ment jobs. Tell them you are going to vote in Novem­ber.

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