Home / News / Saudi Aramco reporting highest profits, as media reports more details about boxes in Mar-a-Lago

Saudi Aramco reporting highest profits, as media reports more details about boxes in Mar-a-Lago

They want Trump on the bal­lot for 2022 and they dont want you to hear about Biden starv­ing the chil­dren in Afghanistan and the chil­dren at home. And send­ing chil­dren from the bor­der to your schools.

They act like they dont know what is going on so you cant blame them. But Sau­di backed this golf tour on Trumps Bed­min­ster in NJ and peo­ple went nuts on this tour, even get­ting the 911 fam­i­ly mem­bers to go after Trump. Joe Biden wrote a let­ter to our cor­po­rate greedy ener­gy com­pa­nies as the prices were high and mak­ing prof­its. Sau­di Aram­co has the high­est prof­its pay­ing to the share­hold­ers which 98% is the roy­al fam­i­ly. They have one per­son to real­ly thank is Joe Biden for stop­ping the oil leas­es in Amer­i­ca and stop­ping our ener­gy inde­pen­dence. But the media is busy with Mar-a-Lago and not report­ing the reper­cus­sions of the Joe Biden admin­is­tra­tion.

But Oba­ma kept 33 mil­lion pages of doc­u­ments, much of them clas­si­fied. But where is the news of that? Seized at Mar-a-Lago 5 top secret 3 secret and 3 con­fi­den­tial. Trump is in legal jeop­ardy with one charge being for 20 years. Keep him off the bal­lot in 24 and make him the can­di­date for 22 and keep the afghan human­i­tar­i­an cri­sis off the news cycle. FBI and DHS have observed an increase in threats to fed­er­al offi­cials. Trump has numer­ous legal issues with fed­er­al and state inves­ti­ga­tions, but Biden did­nt know any­thing.

How do they know the details of the con­tents of the box­es? The pub­lic has a vague list of the inven­to­ry. List­ing binders of pho­tos, hand­writ­ten notes, exec­u­tive grant of clemen­cy for Roger Stone, 11 sets of clas­si­fied infor­ma­tion includ­ing some marked as top secret.

Here is the Lies, Joe Biden has not been briefed on the raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home as the FBI direc­tor was appoint­ed under Trump. The doc­u­ments tak­en were the most top secret doc­u­ments that could pos­si­bly be exposed. Could have the names of CIA agents. They are so top secret only cer­tain peo­ple could look at them and you had to read them in the vault. The prob­a­ble cause and the affi­davit has not been released but it is a dan­ger­ous time. The infor­ma­tion could have been worth mil­lions. They will indict but they have to wait until after Jan6 and Ful­ton Co and they make one large case, says Weiss­mann. Media claim­ing that this is dif­fer­ent from the Hilary Clin­ton emails.

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