Home / News / Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan, Media worried about Trump, Who’s behind Merrick Garland

Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan, Media worried about Trump, Who’s behind Merrick Garland

BKP Events: Aug 15 — Fan­nin Co GOP meet­ing; Sept 10 — Con­ser­v­a­tives of Big Canoe event BKP will MC the event. Sept 8 — Gor­don Co GOP

Noth­ing on this yes­ter­day except face the nation Sun­day. Babies are dying from star­va­tion in Afghanistan a year on from Tal­iban takeover. They dont have baby food or food, we dont have baby food and its Joe’s fault.

The media is excit­ed they have Don­ald Trump. Did you real­ize that Nation­al secu­ri­ty is at risk for 18 months dur­ing the time you are pay­ing $4/gallon of gas, baby for­mu­la short­age, and infla­tion at his­toric high; imag­ine the fear if you would have known. Trump pos­si­bly com­mit­ted crim­i­nal acts with our most sen­si­tive doc­u­ments with obstruc­tion of jus­tice. Some doc­u­ments only being held in spe­cial gov­ern­ment facil­i­ties. We need a dam­age assess­ment. Now after the FBI secure 11 more sets of clas­si­fied doc­u­ments found at Mar-a-Lago. The dam­age assess­ment would be going to the podi­um and lying to the Amer­i­can pub­lic about what was in those box­es.

The war­rant is vague and the inven­to­ry is not item­ized. 11 sets of clas­si­fied doc­u­ments.

The AG was per­son­al­ly respon­si­ble for the search war­rant. The peo­ple that are mak­ing the deci­sion about the jus­tice depart­ment under Mer­rick Gar­land are the deputy AG Lisa Mona­co, Oba­ma oper­a­tive, Vani­ta Gup­ta, rad­i­cal left­ist, Kris­ten Clarke, rad­i­cal left­ist and assis­tant AG for civ­il rights, Ken­neth Polite, assis­tant AG for the crim­i­nal divi­sion, Matthew Graves, US attor­ney in Wash­ing­ton DC. They are using the law in the way that would cre­ate tyran­ny. The nation­al archives and the Jan 6 is with­in the dis­trict of the rad­i­cal left­ist US attor­ney Matthew Graves.

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