Home / News / Trump Indictments are coming as Dems push high inflation, gas and food cost off ballot

Trump Indictments are coming as Dems push high inflation, gas and food cost off ballot

What if every Amer­i­can wrote on a loan pay­ment receipt, to say covid has been quite a learn­ing expe­ri­ence. Learn­ing so much dur­ing the pan­dem­ic to ask for a defer­ment of pay­ment for 2 years with no inter­est. What will Joe do a cou­ple of weeks before peo­ple will have to start pay­ing back stu­dent loans. BKP guess­es that Biden will defer stu­dent loan pay­ments until after the elec­tion. Biden wont do stu­dent for­give­ness at this time.

The democ­rats want Trump on the bal­lot. They want to push infla­tion off the bal­lot, high gas prices, increased elec­tric bills, the prices of food, etc. When was the last time these elite politi­cians paid the bills? The gro­cery bags are get­ting lighter and the bill is get­ting heav­ier. The dems want to push that Fet­ter­man had a stroke as his first cam­paign event since stroke in May. He is so pro­gres­sive to the left. He is on the parole board in the state of PA as Lt Gov and he is vot­ing to let crim­i­nals out on the streets. He wants to legal­ize mar­i­jua­na nation­wide. Fet­ter­man is not the man for a six year term in PA, we need a repub­li­can.

The dems want to move every­thing and put Trump on the bal­lot. There has been report­ing on the leav­ing of Afghanistan. There has been 2.3T spent in Afghanistan and we have war­mon­gers get­ting rich with their polit­i­cal coun­ter­parts. We are fur­ther behind in Afghanistan than before we went in. Pelosi does­nt give a shit if your son or daugh­ter is killed in a war in Tai­wan as long as her son gets the pay­off from the semi­con­duc­tor com­pa­ny.

Biden and every­one that has been sucked into the Ukraine war and give Zelen­sky bil­lions of dol­lars in the laun­dry mat of Ukraine.

How they will destroy the Russ­ian econ­o­my and that the Russ­ian econ­o­my would be out in a cou­ple of weeks. While Nord­Stream 1 is sup­ply­ing ener­gy to Ger­many and Nord­Stream 2 is being built.

Trump will be on the front page and the indict­ments will be com­ing. Rudy Giu­liani and East­man. Her­schmann, WH attor­ney, has been sub­poe­naed by the DOJ for a fed­er­al grand jury. Dont believe for a minute they wont indict Don­ald J Trump.

In the raid of Mar-a-Lago, the FBI stole the pass­ports of Trump. Trump called it an assault on a polit­i­cal oppo­nent. They have to talk Trump out. This is a tri­fec­ta, they want to put trump on the bal­lot in 2022, dis­qual­i­fy him from 2024 and get him to rot in prison. They want his name to be talked about on all the news cycles. While Biden is killing the kids in Afghanistan. In 21 years, we got our kid muti­lat­ed and wound­ed men­tal­ly phys­i­cal­ly and will nev­er be the same by no fault of their own but the fault of their gov­ern­ment. The raid is like the raid in Afghanistan when you raid the ter­ror­ist home. The FBI stat­ed that Trump could be leav­ing the coun­try, imply­ing that Trump is plan­ning to go to his UK resort and leav­ing town with doc­u­ments. He had 18 months and was busy play­ing golf with the Sau­di while Biden has made bil­lions and bil­lions of dol­lars.

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