Home / Featured Segments / AMERICA IS WORTH SAVING, with 4.2M illegal crossing under Biden

AMERICA IS WORTH SAVING, with 4.2M illegal crossing under Biden

Amer­i­ca is worth Sav­ing.

Ille­gal cross­ings soar to near­ly 2M in less than a year as 2200 stream into the coun­try in less than a day. More than 4.2 mil­lion ille­gal immi­grants have crossed the bor­der since Biden took office. This morn­ing alone 500 migrants crossed ille­gal­ly at Eagle pass all of them sin­gle adults. They are get­ting upset in DC, May­or Bows­er, say­ing they are over­whelmed. The biden admin­is­tra­tion isnt build­ing the wall to deter the bor­der crossers, they are putting up the wall because it isnt safe to cross.

This is what they want to take off the bal­lot. In Dade Co GA at a truck stop a cit­i­zen noticed a bus load of peo­ple, pos­si­bly ille­gals get­ting off at the truck stop. The sher­iff was called. The sher­iff found out that the bus was trans­port­ing ille­gal immi­grants from Texas to DC. Sev­er­al ille­gal immi­grants had decid­ed to get off the bus in Dade co. It appears that the ille­gals were encour­aged to get off the bus at the loca­tion due to Chat­tanooga being with­in walk­ing dis­tance. Sher­iff got the ille­gal immi­grants back on the bus to DC. These peo­ple are get­ting off the bus­es wher­ev­er they want, we dont know where the peo­ple are across the coun­try. The Gov­er­nor released a state­ment for a news arti­cle back­ing the deci­sion of the Sher­iff. Gov­er­nor Kemp should be get­ting in front of the media mak­ing a state­ment instead he will come out regard­ing spend­ing the mon­ey for rur­al inter­net, build­ing a library, etc. We should have gov­er­nors and state leg­is­la­tors demand­ing the knowl­edge of where the ille­gals are going. It sounds like the bus dri­vers arent required to get the ille­gals to DC just get them out of Texas. This is a nation­al cri­sis. They are going into your com­mu­ni­ties to take up your hous­ing, your schools. Where are the ille­gals going, in our afford­able hous­ing.

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