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Our Focus is November, not the smoke and mirrors the MSM is spouting

Rudy Giu­liani was in Atlanta yes­ter­day. Ver­non Jones was with him dur­ing the day. We will have Ver­non on at 8:30 this morn­ing.

We know the smoke screen they are run­ning. Every lib­er­al deep state writer, jour­nal­ist. They are in pan­ic mode. Sil­i­con val­ley is in pan­ic mode. Adding a lev­el of Span­ish lan­guage fact check­ing because the Span­ish vote is mov­ing repub­li­cans that could change the out­come of the elec­tion. Then there is always the black male vote.

Pence is in NH. Chaney got beat 70–30 and Biden called yes­ter­day to tell her how sor­ry he is how she got her ass hand­ed to her.

Dont talk to peo­ple about the raid, the elec­tion, unless they want to. When talk­ing to peo­ple about the econ­o­my dont men­tion any­thing pol­i­tics. You don’t have to tell them that Trump won the elec­tion in 2020 and that they cheat­ed in GA. you don’t win the house by siz­able num­bers by bring­ing up the elec­tion. Our total focus has to be Novem­ber right now. The only steps we have right now is Novem­ber, we have to focus. We have the issues. The door we have to talk to peo­ple is the prices we are pay­ing at the store not the Mar-a-Lago raid. They are the ones that are putting up a smoke screen.

They are going to try and label us extreme. They are going to say Trump 100 times a day. Rudy a 100 times a day. Doc­u­ments, Nation­al Archives. No men­tion of the 87k IRS agents. The price of the school sup­plies.

The raid is not num­ber one on my pri­or­i­ty list, COVID isnt, the grand jury isnt. What our issue is, the Feds sees infla­tion stay­ing uncom­fort­ably high. More inter­est rate hikes are com­ing. The feds have stat­ed they are ready to con­tin­ue to increase rates.

Tar­get earn­ings take a huge hit as retail­ers sell off unwant­ed inven­to­ry. Wal­mart sales have gone up but they are report­ing the increase of gro­ceries. US retail sales stall as gaso­line prices decline. We have the issues. Sales are down. The gas prices are com­ing down but it does­n’t mat­ter because of the increase in cloth­ing, gro­ceries and school sup­plies.

They are wait­ing to have the cel­e­bra­tion on Joes approval rat­ing going up. They haven’t gone up enough.

The release of the sur­veil­lance video of Mar-a-Lago is not a good idea, unless the judge demands, due to the com­pro­mise of secu­ri­ty. But as far as the affi­davit. It would be a good thing for it to be released.

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