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Vernon Jones talks about his visit with Rudy Giuliani in Atlanta


All of the net­works are fol­low­ing Rudy Giu­liani tes­ti­mo­ny to the Ful­ton Co Grand Jury. Unfor­tu­nate­ly Ful­ton Co did not put in as much effort into the 2020 elec­tion as they are doing into the Grand Jury efforts.
Fani Willis has endorsed Stacey Abrams. She called Rudi Giu­lani to tes­ti­fy and she has gone after Bri­an Kemp, Burt Jones, Jen­na Ellis.
This is a spe­cial pur­pose grand jury. It eval­u­ates the gov­ern­ment and makes rec­om­men­da­tions back to the gov­ern­ment. They can rec­om­mend an indict­ment but they can’t issue an indict­ment. If the indict­ment is rec­om­mend­ed then the DA has to come back with a crim­i­nal grand jury. They are using this spe­cial pur­pose grand jury as a crim­i­nal grand jury.
What they should be doing is the eval­u­a­tion of how elec­tions are. The dis­trict attor­ney is abus­ing the process and it is not a good way to spend tax­pay­er money.
Rudy Giu­liani came out say­ing he is not dis­cussing any­thing that has hap­pened in the Grand Jury because every­thing that is done through a grand jury is secret. When the Grand Jury is over, there will be a report.
The out­come they are seek­ing but don’t think they will accom­plish. They want to indict and con­vict some­one on Trump’s team, but there isn’t any­thing crim­i­nal here. But you can be indict­ed and con­vict­ed on polit­i­cal issues. Every­one that has ques­tioned the 2020 elec­tion and they are here at the spe­cial pur­pose Grand Jury. This is about shut­ting down the repub­li­can par­ty and play­ing into the politics. 

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