Home / News / Who’s side is Mitch McConnell on? Could he be sharing his office with a broom?

Who’s side is Mitch McConnell on? Could he be sharing his office with a broom?

Fet­ter­man wants to release one-third of the prison pop­u­la­tion imme­di­ate­ly. He wants to end frack­ing.

Which car deal­er­ship has rows of EV for us pofolk to be able to get one with the 4000, rebate. These com­pa­nies will take these tax cred­its you get and up the price to eat up the cred­its.

You can get mon­ey back on the elec­tric stove that you cant afford to buy when your elec­tric bill is going up. But the gov­ern­ment will give you a caulk­ing pack­age to weath­er­ize your house. All with tax breaks from the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.
Fet­ter­man is up over Oz by 4, the mar­gin of error. Same with Mas­tri­ano over Shapiro. They are under 50 with 78 days left in the elec­tion. This is why the nar­ra­tive is that dems will remain the sen­ate. And McConnell say­ing we dont have qual­i­fied can­di­dates. Oz is Trump endorsed. Mas­tri­ano is Trump endorsed. Trump will be in PA on Sep­tem­ber 3 to speak in sup­port of Oz and Mas­tri­ano and the entire PA Trump Tick­et. Ron DeSan­tis was in PA to stump Mas­tri­ano this past week. Remem­ber Mas­tri­ano was the far right Trump can­di­date that he could­nt win. Remem­ber how much mon­ey the democ­rats put out to get Mas­tri­ano on the tick­et because they think he would be the eas­i­est can­di­date to beat. Yet he and Dr. Oz are with­in mar­gin of error on the poll with 78 days left.

Won­der why Mitch McConnell is ner­vous. If Oz wins, Mas­ters in AZ, Vance in OH, Her­schel in GA all win. Mitch McConnell may have an office in a broom clos­et.

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