Home / News / The Greatest Threat is the MEDIA — if deep state media didn’t carry the message

The Greatest Threat is the MEDIA — if deep state media didn’t carry the message

The threat to democ­ra­cy is the most impor­tant issue. But you and I the great­est threat is the media. If the deep state did­nt have some­one to car­ry the mes­sage they could­n’t oper­ate the way they do. The deep state media and some of them on the right are set up to manip­u­late your mind and to steer you to think a cer­tain way. So when some­thing hap­pens you dont know why you feel this way but you know it’s wrong. The pound the issue first it was Russia/Ukraine/the phone call/the 2020 elec­tion, the big lie/now it’s the doc­u­ments. It’s every­day now the doc­u­ments, was Trump going to leave town and sell these doc­u­ments for mil­lions over­seas.

We are win­ning and if we could flip the switch to a pos­i­tive and keep to the issues. No mat­ter where you are, they are run­ning the nar­ra­tive that the gas prices are plum­met­ing, but no mat­ter who is stand­ing at the gas pump, 74% say we are on the wrong track, so who­ev­er is at the gas pump thinks the gas price is great. Get out of the weeds with all the garbage, Mar-a-Lago and the doc­u­ments. If you bump into crazy, let it be. The media wants you to believe that the 1.9% is who we need to lis­ten to.

We are going to win in PA, GA, OH, AZ, NJ and maybe give Mitch McConnell a broom clos­et. Mitch would help get the win in the sen­ate, if it would help him keep his job and keep his slow boat to Chi­na going. But he knows that the peo­ple going in will be the Trump endorsed can­di­dates.

They raid­ed Mar-a-Lago. Imme­di­ate­ly they run KJP on Sun­day. This was her first appear­ance on the Sun­day shows. Who made the deci­sion to send Muf­fin out? So why did­nt they run her out? Here is what we know this morn­ing. We know that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion has been involved all along. That the admin­is­tra­tion has been involved in allow­ing the DOJ to go after Trump. The USGSA packed the box­es that the FBI took from Mar-a-Lago. But the media wants you to believe that Trump went through all the box­es and packed them by hand.

John Solomon with Just the News released report — Biden White House facil­i­tat­ed DOJs crim­i­nal probe against Trump, scut­tled priv­i­lege claims: I have there­fore decid­ed not to hon­or the for­mer Pres­i­dents pro­tec­tive claim of priv­i­lege, act­ing Nation­al Archivist, Debra Stei­del Wall wrote Trumps team in May.

While on the Sun­day show, the press sec­re­tary, KJP sticks to the sto­ry that the Biden admin­is­tra­tion did not know about the raid. Why did KJP say Com­plete, Com­plete twice. Susan Rice knows how to go on the morn­ing shows and lie. Was she the one that briefed Muf­fin before going on the morn­ing shows?

Trump sues the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment over the Mar-a-Lago raid, says his fourth amend­ment rights have been vio­lat­ed and asks for a spe­cial mas­ter to over­see the probe. The spe­cial mas­ter is appoint­ed by the court and reports back to the court about find­ings. Search and Seizure accord­ing to the fourth amend­ment, the war­rant is sup­posed to be spe­cif­ic to what is to be seized. August 22, trump sues to block DOJ from review­ing mate­ri­als FBI seized at Mar-a-Lago until watch­dog is appoint­ed. DOJ says they have an inter­nal fil­ter team already going through the doc­u­ments. DOJ will fight in court.

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