Home / News / We MUST get the majority to stop the CRAZY, GA looking good going into Labor Day

We MUST get the majority to stop the CRAZY, GA looking good going into Labor Day


You thought that we would nev­er get, they would nev­er put in place, that it was laugh­able the green new deal. Hope and pray that we could push back on it, that we would have enough major­i­ty to be able to stop this. If it was such a bad deal why are these com­pa­nies invest­ing in bat­tery plants, in retool­ing the auto indus­try. Why are they doing that? And why did they do what they did in the 70s, 80s, 90s. It seems to be the indus­try that fol­lows suit with what they have to do. It seem s that for quite some time the US gov­ern­ment has been dic­tat­ing the auto indus­try. If they are get­ting bil­lions of dol­lars to build the bat­tery plants and retool the auto lines, you take the bil­lions and have the gov­ern­ment force the peo­ple to buy what you man­u­fac­ture. What will change when they have a prod­uct the gov­ern­ment wants you to buy. 

What about free col­lege tuition? Col­lege is basi­cal­ly free now until the supreme court says oth­er­wise. If you have a stu­dent loan that has been paid off or you paid your col­lege tuition, you will not get any repa­ra­tions. BKP pre­dicts that no one will ever pay on stu­dent loans. Why would you pay going for­ward when this per­son did not. Where is the equi­ty in that where is the fairness. 

The doc­u­ments, you’re not aware of what they saved you from. You are not aware of the edge you have been on, but they saved you but you don’t know from what. A view­er remind­ed BKP of Chuck Grass­ley’s let­ter to Mer­rick Gar­land and Christo­pher Wrey on May 31, 2022. So tim­ing is every­thing. It is inter­est­ing that we have had the raid on Mar-a-Lago and now we got the guy out of the FBI and every­thing is good, so just move along. 

Bri­an Kemp has done what he needs to do by Labor Day. we will see if the past week­end, we will see if there is a bounce for democ­rats after the con­ven­tion of democ­rats in Colum­bus this past week­end. Kemps polling num­bers show­ing 7 above Abrams. In the Trafal­gar Group Kemp is up 7 and at 51. There are all the whis­pers that Abrams has some­thing on Kemp. This is the poll that the Kemp team has been wait­ing for, Kemp at the 50% mark and that is important. 

Now the same polling group has Walk­er over Warnock by 1. 

Repub­li­cans are going to win and win by large num­bers. Can they steal this elec­tion? Yes. Are they doing every­thing they can to manip­u­late the elec­tion? Yes. The head­lines at AJC are always neg­a­tive about repub­li­cans, and pos­i­tive about democ­rats. If the polling num­bers were oppo­site the AJC would be blow­ing up the head­lines. Not one of the top sto­ries men­tion that Kemp is up in the polls and even Trump is up in the polls. They say that peo­ple start pay­ing atten­tion after Labor day and we will see if the polls change. But in GA it looks good that the repub­li­cans will pull the win­ning ticket. 

Warnock is a false prof­it. If Her­schel was the pas­tor in this race and claimed to be the rev­erend, he would bring in 7400 a month right there in the mid­dle of the home­less pop­u­la­tion in Atlanta. Why doesn’t Warnock reject the 7400 he gets a month to buy insulin or feed the hun­gry. Walk­er is up over Warnock. Warnock is evil with a nice smile. How Warnock has dou­bled his income since join­ing the sen­ate. His total income is 532,781, a sig­nif­i­cant bump from the 221,602. His sen­ate salary is 164,816 and the church which is tax free paid warnock 120,964 and has a hous­ing allowance of 7,417 per month. Warnock is a pro-choice reverand. He belives in abor­tion on demand, same sex mar­rage. When you put some skin in the game, I would have the media show­ing me tak­ing that mon­ey feed­ing chil­dren around atlanta. Then he got paid by a pub­lish­ing com­pa­ny giv­ing him 243,750 for his mem­oir. Does he take this mon­ey and give it to the poor or feed the chil­dren or pay for insulin? We will not stop until Warnock is sent back to Ebenez­er Bap­tist Church, the pul­pit that Mar­tin Luther King stood behind. You allow this evil to fester. 

Doocy just kept Raggedy Ann flus­tered and Muf­fin can’t han­dle it. Doocy ques­tions about the ille­gals com­ing across the bor­der unvac­ci­nat­ed and they wouldn’t let a ten­nis play­er come for a tournament. 

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