Home / News / Media pushes the War on MAGA while the real issue is the 500% spike in Natural Gas

Media pushes the War on MAGA while the real issue is the 500% spike in Natural Gas

Sarah Palin lost last night to the first Native born Alaskan Mary Pel­to­la. Do you know what rank choice vot­ing is in Alas­ka to help steal elec­tions.
Joe Biden is going to be doing the Soul of Amer­i­ca speech tonight as a prime­time spe­cial.

We are dan­ger­ous accord­ing to the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. MAGA is deter­mined to destroy the democ­ra­cy. White House war on MAGA Repub­li­cans. Muf­fin calls out vio­lence against law enforce­ment. Won­der if she will call out the peo­ple that are try­ing to get MTG mur­dered. Won­der if Joe Biden will ask his com­put­er­ized vot­ers dur­ing his speech tonight that par­tic­i­pat­ed in steal­ing an elec­tion. Maybe he will bring up tonight to stop threat­en­ing the life of MTG.

Biden­fla­tion hits home: Amer­i­cans are tak­ing out loans to pay for gro­ceries. A grow­ing num­ber of Amer­i­cans are using buy now pay lat­er apps. They can be used at restau­rants and gro­cery stores. They are not cred­it card apps and they dont have inter­est rates but they have hefty fees for not pay­ing on time. An alarm­ing num­ber of Amer­i­cans are using these apps to pay for gro­ceries.

They wont talk about this. Nat­ur­al gas prices spike 500% since 2020. They want to talk about MAGA bad. They dont want to talk about the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment hav­ing to put in assis­tance to help pay the elec­tric bill. Jen­nifer Granholm is say­ing that we are going to manip­u­late sci­ence, the wind, the moon and the sun that will bring down the tem­per­a­ture. And if you get the pro­gram to caulk your win­dows we will help you save on your elec­tric bills. And with the mil­lions and tril­lions of dol­lars of spend­ing we will make the earth inhab­it­able. They dont talk about it. There are dif­fer­ent income groups that are strug­gling in dif­fer­ent ways. They just put out a half a tril­lion of debt, maybe more for the kids that wont get off their game to get a job. Do you know how many peo­ple that would build low income hous­ing for. BKP is not advo­cat­ing for gov­ern­ment hous­ing but if you are going to spend a half a tril­lion plus do you think you can take care of the peo­ple that are liv­ing under an over­pass under a bridge. Or are you going to tell them if they got a job you will sup­ple­ment them to caulk their win­dows. Do you know how many peo­ple you can feed, and a house with a half a tril­lion dol­lars?

They are going to do every­thing to put Don­ald Trump on the bal­lot in Novem­ber. They could have raid­ed Mar-a-Lago after the elec­tion. What is at Mar-a-Lago that could­nt wait until the sec­ond week of Novem­ber. Even a judge in Atlanta said that Bri­an Kemp will wait until after the elec­tion to tes­ti­fy in the Ful­ton coun­ty spe­cial inves­ti­ga­tion. Don­ald Trump is not the can­di­date but they are try­ing to make him the can­di­date. What are they try­ing to save you from? What is going on in the MAGA world that is so dan­ger­ous. They dont want the elec­tric bill, the gro­cery prices, and gas prices on the bal­lot. The media throws all this shit on the wall and sees what sticks.

Tem­per­a­tures are up and in CA has sent out a state­ment to not charge your cars this week­end due to the tem­per­a­tures but they have signed a bill that at a cer­tain date they will ban the sale of gas vehi­cles.

It was said months ago they are going to turn the ship around. Why would you cam­paign if you have the media? If repub­li­cans dont win and don’t get con­trol of the house and sen­ate and Don­ald Trump. Will Ron DeSan­tis do what is nec­es­sary to get our coun­try back? What needs to hap­pen is the total dis­man­tling of the CIA and FBI and put a man­age­able agency in place if nec­es­sary. Remem­ber when there was a red wave, tsuna­mi and noth­ing can stop us. The warn­ings from this show were record­ed. As ear­ly as 3 weeks ago, BKP told you that they will turn Bidens rat­ings around. FOX news has been telling you that there has nev­er been a pres­i­dent with such low num­bers that wins in the mid term year. Peo­ple like fox news have been telling you the com­ing dis­as­ter for the democ­rats. But fox news has been par­tic­i­pat­ing in turn­ing the ship around. Poll show­ing that demo­c­rat can­di­dates lead with inde­pen­dents. If you are out there today that the biggest issue is vot­ing machines and you dont have this cor­rupt media on the same lev­el as vot­ing machines in your book that we have to stop, you have a seri­ous prob­lem. IF you notice MSNBC is run­ning FOX news clips. The MAG­As bet­ter not take the bait. They throw some nice juicy bait over­board and they want to reel the MAG­As in.

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