Home / News / The Ship has Turned for the Democrats and FOX news helped

The Ship has Turned for the Democrats and FOX news helped

They are turn­ing the ship. You are going to have to talk to your friends. We have until Novem­ber, but they have the vot­ing sea­son start­ing in Octo­ber. If you go back 50 years and look at the growth of the coun­try and how we could have planned through that growth to han­dle elec­tion day. But you have been con­vinced that we need to have an elec­tion sea­son and that they can take the bus from black church­es and take them in on the Sun­day vot­ing day. What sounds racist is when Fet­ter­man talks down to black Amer­i­cans say­ing that only white vot­ers have enough sense to get ID.

The Democ­rats have the big MO. The media is car­ing for the democ­rats so they dont have to cam­paign. The big momen­tum has shift­ed since March. They have turned the ship around. Every­thing that BKP has told you was going to hap­pen has hap­pened. They have turned the nar­ra­tive all the way around. Back in March and April, we were a lit­tle con­fused why CNN was report­ing a real sto­ry. You cant turn some­thing around unless there is a major dis­as­ter. They cre­at­ed the fire and start­ed and now the media is cred­it­ing them for solv­ing the prob­lem. They are the par­ty of motion; they have the momen­tum. A 12% shift from march with a total of 15% shift with inde­pen­dents. Do you think inde­pen­dent vot­ers are watch­ing CNN, MSNBC? No, won­der which net­work they watch. Polling shows Amer­i­cans pre­fer the cur­rent stum­bling, mum­bling Pres­i­dent. The rea­son why they did­nt play every­thing that Joe said yes­ter­day in PA, because he was very racist, his lies and how he bum­bled every­thing say­ing Shapiro for sen­ate and Fet­ter­man for gov­er­nor. They could­nt have Fet­ter­man and Biden on the same stage. MSNBC knows that FOX news car­ries the most inde­pen­dent vot­ers out there. FOX news par­tic­i­pat­ed the first time that Oba­ma ran, say­ing that he was ok and that he would not be as rad­i­cal as he was report­ed. Fox news helped bring Oba­ma and Joe Biden. FOX news has turned the sum­mer around for the democ­rats.

How long will Bri­an Kilmeade sit next to Steve Doocy? Steve Doocy is full to the left and he will attack a con­ser­v­a­tive and the next thing you see he is doing a cook show and a dog seg­ment.

We know what they did and what we have to do now to win. The media put Trump on the bal­lot so we would­nt talk about what is com­ing this win­ter. If you are turned in to FOX news for 6 hours a day, if you leave it on in the back­ground. You are part of the prob­lem. You are MAGA in name only. MAGA does­nt go along with the bull­shit they are push­ing. FOX news played a part in turn­ing the demo­c­rat ship around.

When Joe Biden is out on the cam­paign trail, he feels so damn com­fort­able with Steve Doocy, Lar­ry Hogan, Karl Rove and nev­er-trumpers mak­ing it safe for Joe to go out. The found­ing fathers of this coun­try nev­er intend­ed for the media to use the first amend­ment to use it to be com­plic­it and be a part of a crime.

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