Home / Featured Segments / We Know Mar-a-Lago was a set up, Biden cut off Trump in Jan 2021

We Know Mar-a-Lago was a set up, Biden cut off Trump in Jan 2021

We have a great group of peo­ple keep­ing up with the details and keep­ing up with what is hap­pen­ing with the doc­u­ments in Mar-a-Lago. But if we dont change the focus and the con­ver­sa­tion and start talk­ing about what needs to hap­pen and tak­ing back the house and the sen­ate then all we will be able to do is talk about what’ll hap­pen in Mar-a-Lago and wont have the peo­ple in place to do some­thing about it.

Biden bars Trump from receiv­ing intel­li­gence brief­in­gs. They have done every­thing to stop MAGA. They are deter­mined to bow down and wor­ship the sun, moon, stars, wind and they believe they can change things to make life sus­tain­able for you and me. Every for­mer Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States gets an intel­li­gence brief­ing. It is not uncom­mon that the cur­rent Pres­i­dent will call the for­mer Pres­i­dent for advice. Biden said there is no need for Trump to get brief­in­gs. This is not recent, this was when Biden took over in Jan 2021. The Biden Admin­is­tra­tion set this up a long time ago for the doc­u­ments in Mar-a-Lago to be the issue. What was going to hap­pen between here and Novem­ber that they saved you from. This is the first time ever a Pres­i­dent has been cut out of the brief­in­gs. Don­ald Trump did a lot of things in the Mid­dle East, a lot of peace talks, and they cut him off.

Biden Signed off FBI review of Trump’s records. Nation­al Archives let­ter reveals. Under fed­er­al law the jus­tice depart­ment cant make adjust­ments to exec­u­tive review, only the Pres­i­dent. Biden imme­di­ate­ly changed Trump’s author­i­ty in any way what­so­ev­er. It has all been a set up. The DOJ can­not make changes to exec­u­tive priv­i­lege only the sit­ting Pres­i­dent. The Oba­ma deep state crime team knew what road they were going down. This was in the works from the begin­ning. The doc­u­ments in Mar-a-Lago were a set up. You need to put all this togeth­er and when they are out there this morn­ing talk­ing about the doc­u­ments. The Biden Admin­is­tra­tion releas­es a state­ment say­ing they will not allow Pres­i­dent Trump to assert exec­u­tive priv­i­lege and that Trump had no right to pos­sess Pres­i­den­tial doc­u­ments and that Trump does­nt have stand­ing. They are going to court today to see if we can get a Spe­cial Mas­ter. The DOJ is going to say that Biden cut off Trump a long time ago. Biden made sure Trump does­nt get exec­u­tive priv­i­lege. They laid them all on the floor to allow the media to run the nar­ra­tive.

Tonight Joe Biden will come out and talk about the Soul of Amer­i­ca and how we need to round up a cer­tain group of peo­ple and iden­ti­fy them. The Bat­tle for the Soul of Amer­i­ca who needs to cam­paign when you have the media to car­ry your water. They are putting us in a group. The extrem­ist threat of MAGA repub­li­cans. If they would just round us up and put us some­where. We are dan­ger­ous. The Ultra MAGA is the biggest threat to our democ­ra­cy, to our free­dom, to our rights and does­n’t respect the rule of law. Remem­ber CHOP in Seat­tle and they mur­dered some­one. Did they burn the city down in Min­neapo­lis and did the rad­i­cals kill a for­mer Police Chief in St Louis? We get caught off guard that MAGA repub­li­cans dont have respect for the rule of law.

The lead­er­ship that they speak off is Paul Gosar and Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene, and Madi­son Cawthorne and Ron DeSan­tis and Don­ald Trump. MTG is not advo­cat­ing any kind of threats on school offi­cials about trans­gen­der rights. She wants to pass a law to make it a crime to par­tic­i­pate in tran­si­tion­ing these kids. Maybe Muf­fin will come out today about the per­son with a com­put­er voice called into the Rome Police Depart­ment to get MTG to get killed by police. And as ear­ly as last week Ron DeSan­tis talks about grab­bing the lit­tle elf to chunk him across the Potomac. Lets get some data on what they did to the Amer­i­can peo­ple through the pan­dem­ic.

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