Home / News / ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — September 2, 2022

ALL STAR POLITICAL PANEL — September 2, 2022

The Pan­el talks about the Biden Soul of the Nation Speech. Accuse those that you oppose of that which you are guilty. Every­thing was laid out for tim­ing. Jan 6 hear­ing dur­ing the sum­mer, the raid on Mar-a-Lago, the speech. Tried to lay claim to what part of the repub­li­can par­ty they will accept, the swamp. COVID no longer con­trols our lives, why did they have to use the HERO’S act to get the Stu­dent Debt For­give­ness. He does not say the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act. Most Amer­i­cans are catch­ing on that some­thing is wrong here. Can the Media be that dumb and lib­er­al to con­tin­ue the nar­ra­tive of the Admin­is­tra­tion? Every­thing that spins around is polit­i­cal manip­u­la­tion. If there is any­thing out there that is trig­ger­ing or dis­agree­ing is now called hate speech. There is a whole gen­er­a­tion that is grow­ing up with that in mind.

Why the ener­gy tran­si­tion will fail. Civ­i­liza­tion still relies on hydro­car­bons for 84% of the ener­gy. That is only 2 per­cent­age points less than 2 years ago. This study looked at Europe, Chi­na and the USA. Cur­rent­ly the USA has about 1–2 months of nation­al demand of hydro­car­bons in stor­age for sus­tain­ing the coun­try. All the unique rare earth chem­i­cals to make bat­ter­ies to sus­tain the world are not avail­able or known to exist. They con­tin­ue to look at Europe, Chi­na, and the USA with their known ener­gy usage, in order to make the bat­ter­ies to sus­tain the ener­gy usage. There would need:
4B tons of cop­per need­ed, known reserves is 880M cov­ers only 20% of required. Only 700M tons have been mined in all of his­to­ry and the remain­der of the 700M need­ed to be mined in the next 22 years.
1B tons of nick­el and Lithi­um need­ed, known reserves 95Mof each
218M tons of cobalt, known reserves 7M

With all this infor­ma­tion, why is the push to go all elec­tric with this infor­ma­tion being made avail­able. It is a mar­riage between the cor­po­ra­tion and states and when they are togeth­er the mass­es are con­trolled. But the com­bus­tion engine lines are able to go back and be retooled. Elon Musk has come out pub­licly say­ing the world can not sus­tain with­out petro­le­um. Who believes that when the gov­ern­ment is com­ing out say­ing that we will be at zero emis­sions. The younger gen­er­a­tion is say­ing that some­one will come along and fig­ure it out.

CA has out­lawed new ser­vice sta­tions. By 2035 they have out­lawed the sale of gas pow­ered vehi­cles. CA sent out a noti­fi­ca­tion to not charge their EV this week­end.

The Iran Deal that is in the works and if it gets sneaked in the back­door it will be a dis­as­ter. And Iran wants a trig­ger deal. They want com­pen­sa­tion for the case if the US backs out. Israel does­nt want Iran to res­ur­rect­ed them­selves and get nuclear weapons. Iran will flood the mar­ket with oil and pos­si­ble fund the ter­rism around the world.

There are 365 deaths a day due to fen­tanyl. That is equiv­a­lent to a plane crash every­day. What would hap­pen if we had a plane crash every­day, we would ground all planes until we fig­ured out what hap­pened. Put that into per­spec­tive.

The increase of util­i­ty prices across the coun­try and mil­lions of Amer­i­cans are using apps to help pay for gro­ceries. And the democ­rats are try­ing to take that off the bal­lot in Novem­ber.

Win­ners and Losers

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