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The Media is Begging You to Look at Donald Trump and his Troubles

The media is beg­ging you to look at Don­ald Trump. Trump had a bad day yes­ter­day. Liti­tia James, the Jan 6 com­mit­tee, the deep state media, if you are Ultra Maga they want to put a stop to you and I. Many in the repub­li­can par­ty treat this elec­tion as a col­lege game day tail­gate par­ty. If repub­li­cans in GA win is all for­got­ten? Will 2020 even be in the his­to­ry books, the elec­tion? There are many that will not accept the 2020 elec­tion is in the books and to move on.

There is record tax rev­enue com­ing in the state and in the coun­ty. The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is set­ting records of tax rev­enue. But the tax rev­enue is all print­ed mon­ey. And the tax rev­enue is the base which is the gov­ern­ment. There isnt any more 100% pri­vate sec­tor tax rev­enue.

They want you to believe that Trump had a bad day. If repub­li­cans win in GA will all be for­got­ten.

Trump’s legal issues. There is some­thing that Liti­tia James, NY AG said yes­ter­day that prompt­ed the open­ing state­ment. Claim­ing mon­ey you dont have. She was talk­ing about Don­ald Trump, claim­ing that Trump inflat­ed the val­ues so he could bor­row more mon­ey. What is the coun­ty and state doing with our prop­er­ty tax­es? The state sells bonds every year. The state has to val­ue itself every year to buy bonds on the promise of pay­ment. The state bor­rows against the assets against the val­ue it claims to have. The media is beg­ging you to look at Trump. They dont con­sid­er you and I the Amer­i­can peo­ple, they con­sid­er you a move­ment. It is the finan­cial insti­tu­tion to ver­i­fy the infor­ma­tion for the loan and send out asses­sors. Is Liti­tia James say­ing that on the loan file theres no appraisals? When they passed a law putting 87K IRS out there and telling you that there are tril­lions of dol­lars peo­ple cheat on their tax­es. They are com­ing after you. Trump has lived and worked his entire life. He has employed so many peo­ple. And when NYC was dete­ri­o­rat­ing Trump pro­vid­ed hun­dreds of good pay­ing jobs.

If you do any­thing with the gov­ern­ment today you are inter­act­ing with orga­nized crime. They are the crim­i­nals. They are the cor­rup­tion.

Van­der­bilt pedi­atric trans­gen­der clin­ic nukes web­site after Matt Walsh exp­soed the Big Mon­ey mak­er motive. Hats off to Matt Walsh. We did the sto­ry yes­ter­day.

Joe could­nt find his way around again yes­ter­day.

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