Home / News / Where’s Raphael? Warnock is evil is a nice smile, Herschel is a good man.

Where’s Raphael? Warnock is evil is a nice smile, Herschel is a good man.

Track­ing the storm Ian. We arent sure the direc­tion at this time what the impact will be in North GA.

Where is Raphael? Bil­lions have poured in from all over the coun­try to sup­port Warnock on TV. These PACs are run­ning adver­tise­ments on TV cost­ing mil­lions of dol­lars char­ac­ter assas­si­nat­ing Her­schel Walk­er. Her­schel Walk­er is doing the work on the bus tour. The chal­lenge is to send BKP an AJC arti­cle on where Warnock is. The attacks are enor­mous on Her­schel.

Glenn Youngkin was in Alpharet­ta yes­ter­day to cam­paign for Bri­an Kemp. On the stage at the ral­ly for Kemp are these lefty pro­gres­sive they all talk about what cam­paign they are cov­er­ing and where they are going next. No where in the con­ver­sa­tion is there a men­tion of cov­er­ing Raphael Warnock. They are releas­ing their own media. You cant get around any of these can­di­dates to ask ques­tions. Even the Kemp cam­paign only points to the approved reporters. BKP does­nt tell you who to vote for and encour­ages you to go to these events and ask them your ques­tions. The goal of this show is to bring you infor­ma­tion on so many top­ics for you to make your own deci­sions.

There is some truth in the ads that things took place in Her­schel Walk­er’s life but they are tak­en out of con­text and spun in a way to char­ac­ter­ize him as some­one he is not today. It is not who he is today. Warnock is evil with a nice smile. He is a false prof­it. As dan­ger­ous as you may think and they may betray Her­schel Walk­er on TV. He does­nt advo­cate the mur­der of chil­dren by abort­ing them and claims to be a pas­tor. Her­schel Walk­er is ok with talk­ing to you and telling you where he comes from. We can not send evil back to DC and expect dif­fer­ent results while Her­schel Walk­er is a good, good man.

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