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October Surprise for Herschel Walker

Trib­ute to Loret­ta Lynn. Died yes­ter­day at 90 years old.

Shout out to Deb­bie Doo­ley for her tweets yes­ter­day on Chris­t­ian Walk­ers cel­e­bra­tion of Fathers Day 2020 and 2021.

CNN and MSNBC admit­ting they have not inde­pen­dent­ly con­firmed the Her­schel Walk­er sto­ry. Now they are say­ing that the alle­ga­tions of him pay­ing for an abor­tion is not as bad as the attacks com­ing from his son. His son is a gay con­ser­v­a­tive. If his son was so against the cam­paign, why now and not in the pri­ma­ry. Whats in for Chris­t­ian? Why Octo­ber? We always have a woman accus­ing some politi­cians and mak­ing accu­sa­tions in Octo­ber from years before. After all the attacks and what Chris­t­ian has said about his father and the alle­ga­tions. Her­schel comes out to say he loves his son no mat­ter what.

Aaron Judge hits num­ber 62 home runs in a sin­gle sea­son. He is now the all time sin­gle sea­son home run record hold­er. Not Bar­ry Bonds. Hank Aaron is the career home run hit­ter.

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