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BKP wraps up the week of October 3

Joe Biden is using Russ­ian Armaged­don Nuclear war. Remem­ber when Oba­ma picked Biden as his run­ning mate. There was a lot of talk that Oba­ma did­nt have any for­eign pol­i­cy expe­ri­ence and the democ­rats need­ed some­one that had for­eign pol­i­cy. So who did they pick Joe Biden? Joe Biden has nev­er got­ten one thing cor­rect in a for­eign pol­i­cy in his entire career. In just 12 years we went from pick­ing some­one to run on the tick­et to strength­en­ing the tick­et to pick­ing some­one over gen­der and skin col­or. This morn­ing Chi­na is more of a threat to Tai­wan, and Biden says we will put boots on the ground if attacked. North Korea is launch­ing mis­siles over Japan and the kids are under desks and sirens are going off. Sau­di Ara­bia pun­ish­es us with a stronger alliance with Putin and takes 2M bar­rels a day off the mar­ket. Europe is pay­ing enor­mous ener­gy prices going into the win­ter. Putin has annexed 4 regions in Ukraine and the US has said its a good time to take back Crimea.

In 4 years, Trump did­nt start a war and there was­nt even a rumor of a war. How are things work­ing out for you with the infla­tion, crime, and the inva­sion of our south­ern bor­der.

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