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Conform and You’ll Be Free


What hap­pened yes­ter­day with a court award­ing the plain­tiffs close to a bil­lion dol­lars in dam­ages because Alex Jones lied on a pro­gram where he could influ­ence mil­lions of peo­ple over the Sandy Hook mas­sacre. The media will expose them­selves from time to time what the true objec­tive is. 

Yes­ter­day’s Trump’s truth social was intro­duced on Google play. 

If you think the FBI doesn’t cre­ate fake pro­files and fol­low your face­book pages and try to make friends on Face­book and fol­low you on all your social media you are mis­tak­en. While you are shar­ing the truth you will be inves­ti­gat­ed for it and they will keep an eye on you. They are deter­mined to stop us. As long as you con­firm you are led to believe you are free. As long as you obey, you are led to believe you are free. As long as you bow down to the god of the sun, wind, rain, water you are led to believe you are free. As long as you accept what the gov­ern­ment says is nor­mal you are led to believe you are free. 

BKP talks baseball 

The democ­rats are in trou­ble polit­i­cal­ly. Their nerves are shot. We have a lot of eco­nom­ic data com­ing out with infla­tion. Liz Truss pan­ics as mar­kets keep plung­ing. The UK is send­ing out stim­u­lus and they are doing every­thing they can to stop the col­lapse of the UK econ­o­my. With that being said we have a media that is prop­ping up our econ­o­my and lead­ing you to believe that all is ok in the world. 

The sev­en key Sen­ate races the media is talk­ing about. OH, PA, NV, GA, AZ, NV, WI and BKP has gone all red in those races. Dasha Burns did an inter­view with Fet­ter­man on MSNBC yes­ter­day. The inter­view was dev­as­tat­ing to the demo­c­rat vote so they are try­ing to clean it up today. MAGA will come out and sup­port Dr. Oz in record num­bers. Oz also has the inde­pen­dent and mod­er­ate democ­rats in the sub­urbs. What Fet­ter­man wants is to legal­ize drugs and put crim­i­nals on the streets. PA democ­rats will vote for a repub­li­can. The MSNBC inter­view was so dev­as­tat­ing that they had a group of reporters go after Dasha Burns for her report­ing. This was Fet­ter­man’s first in per­son sit down inter­view. In an inter­view she asked about his med­ical records, but the cam­paign refused. Biden refus­es. Repub­li­cans are the bad peo­ple for want­i­ng to make sure the can­di­date can men­tal­ly do the job and be healthy enough. The media is try­ing to save Fetterman’s ass. 

Now if the media can attempt to manip­u­late the elec­tion with the lies they tell, and Alex Jones is expect­ed to be held respon­si­ble for the lies he told. When are these peo­ple going to be held respon­si­ble for the lies they told to manip­u­late an elec­tion and the dam­age they have done to this country? 

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