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The Media Exposes the Objective

As long as you accept what they put out as nor­mal you are led to believe you are free. As long as you accept the tran­si­tion you are going through you are led to believe you are free. Just fol­low the rules.

The media is enjoy­ing that the jury sent out a ver­dict that Alex Jones is ordered to pay $965 mil­lion in com­pen­sato­ry dam­ages for the Sandy Hook event. Alex Jones orig­i­nal­ly said that Sandy Hook was false but lat­er came out to say that it was real. The par­ents of the kids that were mur­dered file suit against Alex Jones. The jury said that this caused so much dam­age that he should pay a bil­lion dol­lars.

The LA may­oral can­di­date says he isnt white, hes ital­ian.

Think about what Alex Jones just went through. Alex Jones claims they are tak­ing your free­dom of speech. If this case goes through, your free­dom of speech will be chal­lenged. If the fake media gets the free­dom of speech and uses the cor­rupt FBI and inves­ti­gates hon­est amer­i­cans. If they get to round us up by putting us in a data­base from social media. They get to do that. Do you think we are send­ing a mes­sage to these peo­ple — Joe Scar­bor­ough. Will you think twice now before say­ing some­thing?

You can steal an elec­tion and get away with it. You can claim that Trump has ties to Rus­sia with a fake dossier and get away with it. 50 for­mer intel­li­gence direc­tors sign a let­ter say­ing that Hunter Biden lap­top is pho­ny. Call Mark Zucker­burg and tell him that there is Russ­ian elec­tion dis­in­for­ma­tion that needs to be tamped out. You can inves­ti­gate all the moms and dads that com­plain at the board of edu­ca­tion meet­ings. You can inte­grate jan 6 par­tic­i­pants and not inte­grate Ray Epps. If you com­ply, and think twice that you’re not gonna get away with it. Then you can be in their Amer­i­ca. Per­haps it will cool things down to the peo­ple that could lose things finan­cial­ly. If you have some­thing to lose will you push back or will you live free and die? Does the Alex Jones case stop you from post­ing some­thing? The found­ing father nev­er intend­ed the first amend­ment so that the free press can be com­plic­it in a crime. We need a free hon­est press in Amer­i­ca. Just like you mis­read sep­a­ra­tion of church and state. When will jus­tice be served in this coun­try? It wont until the repub­li­cans are elect­ed in this coun­try. And when they are in charge we will hold their feet to the fire.

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