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We Have Some Great Republican Candidates All Across This Country

Today at noon is the Jan 6 com­mit­tee’s final show before the midterms. They are so des­per­ate. It is com­i­cal. This is a joke, if you were actu­al­ly try­ing to inves­ti­gate some­thing I would take it seri­ous­ly. Today at noon they will try to prove to you that Trump is clear and present dan­ger to Amer­i­ca. One Man. They have to save democ­ra­cy. Even though you are pay­ing more for gro­ceries and women have lost their repro­duc­tive rights and you’re bet­ter off to pay for some­one’s col­lege edu­ca­tion and you’re bet­ter off to pay the bil­lions of dol­lars of debt we are in. you are bet­ter off even though you pay those oth­er things in day to day life. You can nev­er ques­tion an elec­tion work­er ever again. They want to talk to day and present that Trump is a clear and present dan­ger. How the cab­i­net want­ed to come togeth­er and do the 25th amend­ment because of his men­tal fit­ness.

Biden says his son died in Iraq. Biden on tour of CO, CA, and OR. Joe told that long sto­ry yes­ter­day. His son died of Brain Can­cer. Isnt that why Joe is deter­mined to erad­i­cate can­cer and yes­ter­day he died in Iraq. and Trump is the clear and present dan­ger. And this is the guy that was at the G7 emer­gency meet­ing to back Ukraine.

NM is a bor­der state. It is a demo­c­ra­t­ic state cur­rent­ly. In CA there is not such a thing as a repub­li­can that can win because of the cor­rupt sys­tem. They make sure they dilute the ratio­nal tax­pay­er vote. So basi­cal­ly noth­ing will hap­pen there. But AZ, NM, and TX will do some­thing about the bor­der. In the debate for Gov in NM, the repub­li­can chal­lenger went after the cur­rent Gov say­ing that drug car­tels love NM. One of the largest fen­tanyl busts in the coun­try, the car­tels say­ing that in NM it is easy to be the car­tel. We have some great repub­li­can can­di­dates all across this coun­try that have the guts to know what to say. And the guts to go after.

Dasha Burns is expe­ri­enc­ing pure hell for her report on her inter­view with Fet­ter­man. Kari Lake is a reporter and R gov­er­nor can­di­date in AZ. Tudor Dixon is a reporter and R gov­er­nor can­di­date in MI. Ash­ley Hin­son is a reporter and R Iowa HD 2. We are won­der­ing if we have repub­li­cans that will do what they have to do in DC when we get the major­i­ty back in 2023. Ash­ley Hin­son is a fresh­man in the US House. She will have the guts in Jan to stand and do what needs to be done. Hin­son has impressed every­one in her par­ty that she could vault to lead­er­ship next year. Remem­ber we had some in 2010 that we thought would have the guts but they caved on us.

Katie Hobbs will not debate Kari Lake. What has hap­pened out there they have done a real cor­rupt move to get Katie Hobbs air­time. Hobbs’ rea­son for not debat­ing Lake is because Lake is an elec­tion denier. AZ PBS gave Katie Hobbs a free com­mer­cial to look like an inter­view in a back­room deal.

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