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Who’s the Real Ass Kisser in Ohio?


Won­der if Warnock will, after the democ­rats said that Tuberville made racist com­ments, denounce his ad. The moth­er that is out there today push­ing the 8 yo daugh­ter around the gro­cery store is look­ing at her daugh­ter won­der­ing if her daugh­ter will ever have the right to repro­duc­tive health­care. No, that moth­er is not look­ing at her daugh­ter think­ing about repro­duc­tive health care or is she look­ing at her daugh­ter think­ing that Warnock has pro­tect­ed the export of peanuts, or Biden on the brink of WW3. If you are stuck on Her­schel Walk­er and Chris­t­ian Walk­er, in OH abor­tion was #3 on the poll. 

GA high school foot­ball star was mur­dered for no appar­ent rea­son while on a date with his girl­friend. The teenagers that were arrest­ed were black males. Fri­day night lights is Amer­i­ca. But democ­rats want you to believe that the moth­ers of these chil­dren are con­cerned about access to repro­duc­tive healthcare.
There was a lot of ass kiss­ing last night in the debate in OH. 

Even Bernie Sanders thinks it’s a mis­take that democ­rats shouldn’t focus on abori­ton in the midterms. 

JD Vance claims the 10 year old OH girl would have nev­er been raped if democ­rats had done their job. The media isn’t talk­ing about the mur­der, rape, and vio­lence at the bor­der. Over 50% of the women that cross the bor­der are being raped. JD Vance is say­ing that if we would close the bor­der, build the wall and get the drugs and gangs out of this coun­try. We know that OH will go to JD VAnce 

NYT wrote and arti­cle sev­er­al weeks ago that JD Vance didn’t want the Trump endorse­ment and want­ed to dis­tance him­self from Trump. We have heard that from Mas­ters in AZ and Dr. Oz in PA. so the media is try­ing to tamp down and sep­a­rate the can­di­dates from Trump. Trump goes to OH and Trump being Trump call­ing JD Vance an ass kiss­er. Tim Ryan uses this in a very well rehearsed line in the debate. OH needs an ass kick­er not an ass kiss­er. The media loved it. Even JD Vance telling Ryan it was a well rehearsed line. Will the real ass kiss­er stand up? Ryan say­ing that he has to suck up to Schumer. Now suck­ing up and ass kick­ing is the same. 

Eric Adams in NYC declar­ing a state of emer­gency say­ing the big apple needs a bil­lion dol­lars for the 19K ille­gals that are already in the city. If 19K migrants cost $1B, that will be $184B for the 3.5 mil­lion ille­gals that have been record­ed cross­ing the bor­der? How are tax­pay­ers going to foot this bill while we are deal­ing with infla­tion? And we don’t have the mon­ey for bor­der secu­ri­ty and build­ing the wall. We will pay for it while we send mon­ey to secure Ukraines bor­der. Putin didn’t send that kind of inva­sion into Ukraine. 

Zelen­skyy to address emer­gency G7 Meet­ing after Russ­ian strikes. Emer­gency G7 meet­ing for our south­ern bor­der, the flow of China’s fen­tanyl across our south­ern bor­der. When does the G7, UN, Nato ever meet to talk about our issues, infla­tion, drugs, invasion. 

CNN reports that NYC is build­ing Tent shel­ters to house the waves of ille­gals. NYC is fac­ing a cri­sis. Adams is call­ing for emer­gency fed­er­al and state aid, expe­dit­ed work per­mits, reset­tle­ment strat­e­gy, and slow the influx of asy­lum seek­ers. If a bil­lion dol­lars for NYC, why is any­one in Amer­i­ca sleep­ing on the street? In that bil­lion dol­lars will be 5500 kids in your pub­lic schools. They want to work out some­thing to pro­vide per­mit hous­ing for the ille­gals. The peo­ple around the coun­try, while you’re look­ing for afford­able places to put the ille­gals, the peo­ple of this coun­try are strug­gling to stay in their homes or find afford­able hous­ing for them­selves. Do you know how many ille­gals are in GA, Warnock? Do you know who much Fen­tanyl is in the state in the coun­ties? The car­tels are in rur­al GA. No notice? They aren’t telling any­one in Amer­i­ca where these peo­ple are get­ting dropped off by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Wouldn’t it be nice if Warnock would answer some of these ques­tions, remem­ber he is num­ber 5–0. This ain’t peanuts. 

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