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How to Address the Abortion Question when Door Knocking

You may be mak­ing a mis­take when you knock on a door or call a friend and start dis­cus­sion on abor­tion and you go down the road with Her­schel Walk­er and his son. If your door knock­ing and abor­tion comes up first you have to be pre­pared to say that the Dobbs case did not make abor­tion ille­gal, it gave it back to the states. So it is a state issue right now. Look, a lot of us talk about rea­son­able excep­tions, it is not an open and close dis­cus­sion in Amer­i­ca. In dis­cus­sion with a vot­er you have to say that the SCOTUS gave it back to the states. When Roe v Wade was passed 50 years ago, it should be used spar­ing­ly and it did not allow abor­tion past via­bil­i­ty. There are enough rea­son­able peo­ple that are not hear­ing the truth. You have to tell them the facts. Democ­rats dont want to cod­i­fy Roe v Wade, democ­rats dont want to have a dis­cus­sion. Repub­li­cans are hav­ing the dis­cus­sion and it is done in your state house. Democ­rats are ask­ing to go to the extreme and go up to the day of birth. You know how many Planned Par­ent­hood, that are placed in the poor­est areas across this coun­try and dis­card more black babies than any oth­er race, but they have a med­ical pro­fes­sion­al in each facil­i­ty. You can stop the whole abor­tion ques­tion all togeth­er by respond­ing, Is it the issue that will deter­mine your vote? You know what Warnock is doing to Walk­er. He is mak­ing fun of every per­son with men­tal health issues that we high­light­ed last year. Walk­er is a spokesper­son on men­tal health and help­ing peo­ple how to deal with it. Warnock is attack­ing every per­son in GA that has strug­gled with men­tal health. Her­schel Walk­er is a hero in so many ways for com­ing out talk­ing about his men­tal health. Lets for­get the par­ty, the real­i­ty is I paid 1.85 a gal­lon in gas, they can tell me what­ev­er they want all day long but at the end of the day we are pay­ing $11–12,000 more a year to live in this admin­is­tra­tion. Dont for­get that Warnock was the 50th vote. It is very sim­ple and we need to make a change.

The rais­es peo­ple are get­ting far out­paces the infla­tion. A per­son has to make $6 more an hour to keep up with infla­tion.

Trans women find out if they can skip mil­i­tary draft under the biden admin­is­tra­tion.
Rus­sias ille­gal annex­a­tion con­demned at UNGA ses­sion. Zelen­skyy to address emer­gency G7 meet­ing after Russ­ian strikes. Once Rus­sia held the annex­a­tion votes in the dum­b­ass region from that point on they would con­sid­er that any attacks on their regions would be attacks on Rus­sia. If your son or daugh­ter is 16–17-18 years old, Biden is rush­ing into a World War 3. When Rus­sia emmassed the troops on the Ukraine bor­der there were talks. Putin would pull back if Ukraine would allow the Don­bas region to vote to get annexed. There was an out. Now they want to send more mon­ey.

It was just an acci­dent. Col­orado offi­cials sent out 30K vot­er post­cards to non cit­i­zens.

MTG ris­es from the GOP fringe to the front. When she went to Wash­ing­ton as a fresh­men, she was stripped from com­mit­tee assign­ments even from repub­li­cans. No one in front of Trump gets as much applause as MTG. She will get reward­ed by Trump after the elec­tion.

We thought Joe negoting­ing skilled hand­ed this strike. Joe came to the res­cue. Rail union rejects Biden bro­kered labor deal, rais­ing prospects of a strike. The unions vot­ed down the ten­ta­tive con­tract agree­ment on Mon­day. Just last month Joe was the hero to come to the res­cue of the rail­roads. Won­der why thats not the open­ing seg­ment on the net­works.

Pres­i­den­tial Job Per­for­mance and the Sen­ate races to watch. Remem­ber what 50–50 brought us. Dont vote ear­ly. Go on elec­tion day. We hold the pri­vate num­ber so go on elec­tion day. Vot­ing ear­ly opens it up for a stolen elec­tion.

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