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Remember Warnock was #50, Gave Dems Control & Kamale a Vote

Last night there was a debate in OH. Remem­ber the media manip­u­la­tion word of the day is migrants are just poor peo­ple that are com­ing here to wash your dish­es and do your laun­dry. We have a short fall of work­ers, this will all work out. They will be work­ing in your hotels, cut­ting your grass, mak­ing your food in restau­rants. And can­dy col­ored fen­tanyl on the side for your kids.

Fri­day night will be the debate between Walk­er and Warnock.

The democ­rats are is such dis­sar­ray this is all they have, abor­tion. Her­schel Walk­er is cam­paign­ing today with Rick Scott from FL and Tom Cot­ton from AK. Have you seen the com­mer­cial that he worked with Tom­my Tuberville on bipar­ti­san leg­is­la­tion? We arent say­ing we have a prob­lem with what he said at a Trump ral­ly. Tuberville said some­thing to the left was very racist about how the left wants to pay repa­ra­tions to the peo­ple that com­mit a crime. Warnock has an ad brag­ging how he is bipar­ti­san with Tom­my Tuberville. The demo­c­rat par­ty is upset with Tom­my Tuberville and his racist com­ments at the Trump Ral­ly. Will Walk­er ask Warnock to denounce the ad with Tuberville and his bipar­ti­san leg­is­la­tion?

The media is run­ning the Her­schel attacks for free. Warnock is hold­ing back on his CA bucks. They are wait­ing for Fri­day night for Her­schel to make some com­ments. Warnocks ex-wife says he is a good actor. Why should Warnock answer any­thing with the media run­ning favor­able reports for Warnock.

The poll tak­en in OH. abor­tion comes in 3rd. Econ­o­my is first and immi­gra­tion is 4th. Remem­ber Warnock was num­ber 50, which gave democ­rats con­trol of the sen­ate. Gave Kamala Har­ris the tie break­ing roll in the Sen­ate for the 1.5 T spend­ing, for the bill that did­n’t do any­thing for infla­tion in Amer­i­ca but gave us 87K IRS agents. He had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to push back on the White House. He did­nt stand for the peo­ple of North GA because they are strug­gling to feed, house and cloth their fam­i­ly. Raphael Warnock was 5–0, a bal­ance of pow­er.

They are hop­ing right now that repub­li­cans pick up NV and democ­rats pick up PA for the bal­ance of pow­er.

BKP talks base­ball

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