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Democrats Will Lose in Districts All Over the Country


Ear­ly vot­ing starts today. Ear­ly vot­ing was designed for cheat­ing. Repub­li­cans will over­whelm democ­rats. There is des­per­a­tion on the demo­c­rat side, and believe this is the most des­per­ate the media has been in try­ing to push the demo­c­rat message. 

Yes­ter­day the Atlanta press club held sev­er­al debates. MTG debat­ing Mar­cus Flow­ers. It was a one hour com­mer­cial for Warnock. These debates are set up to take out conservatives. 

Democ­rats will lose in dis­tricts all over the coun­try that will be shock­ing and will be the big sto­ry come the day after the elec­tion. Mov­ing for­ward with con­fi­dence that Repub­li­cans will take over the house and sen­ate. Watch the shock and awe com­ing the democ­rats way. Democ­rats can­not get the abor­tion issue to stick. They have made every attempt to get it to stick. NYT abor­tion is at 5% in a recent poll. Democ­rats have been unsuc­cess­ful at mak­ing that the issue of the elec­tion. They have decid­ed to dis­cuss infla­tion and all they can do is hope that you can think that it is not the democ­ra­t’s fault. Every one of the democ­rats now says that infla­tion is a glob­al infla­tion cri­sis. They are hop­ing you fall for that. 

The expec­ta­tions of Her­schel’s debate expec­ta­tions. They were sur­prised that Walk­er did ok. And Warnock didn’t issue any knock­out blows. They were so upset that there wasn’t more dis­cus­sion on the alleged abor­tion issue on Walker. 

They are run­ning around bump­ing into each oth­er like clowns com­ing out of the car at the cir­cus. Walk­er did an amaz­ing job. 

Warnock is evil with a nice smile. There is no such thing as a pro-choice pas­tor. He tried to use that Fri­day night. The Warnock cam­paign got the hell out of the venue as soon as it was over. 

Two major state­ments by Walk­er dur­ing the debate. Democ­rats will not define any lim­i­ta­tion on abor­tion. Warnock will not define any lim­i­ta­tion, only come back and say there isn’t enough room for the doc­tor, the patient and the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. And they want­ed to push Her­schel on a nation­al ban. The dev­as­tat­ing blow to the Warnock cam­paign was so dev­as­tat­ing that he could­n’t use the line. Walk­er comes back and say that Warnock for­gets to men­tion that there is a baby in the room as well and hav­ing tax­pay­ers pay­ing for abor­tion puts gov­ern­ment back in the room. There is a lot going on in that room and it is not just a cam­paign slogan. 

Sec­ond line is when they talk about Warnocks church that pays 7400 a month and the news­pa­per arti­cle that the church is try­ing to evict peo­ple from the build­ing the church owns. Walk­er say­ing “Don’t bear false wit­ness” “Be care­ful” telling peo­ple you’re a pastor. 

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