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The Wind Has Shifted and I smell Donkey SHI*

Mov­ing full speed ahead with stu­dent loan relief prep says Miguel Car­dona, sec­re­tary of Edu­ca­tion in the US. They should be spend­ing more time with test­ing scores rather than stu­dent loan relief.

The Sun­day graph­ics. Liz Chaney has a mis­sion either to put Don­ald Trump in jail or com­plete­ly demol­ish the repub­li­can par­ty. There is a group out there that is work­ing to splin­ter the repub­li­can par­ty.

Ban­non ordered to tes­ti­fy and Trump ordered to tes­ti­fy.

Polar­ized and Ener­gized. Amer­i­cans are not out there wor­ried about the sta­tus of democ­ra­cy. They women on the focus group did­nt talk about the state of democ­ra­cy or elec­tion deniers or abor­tion rights. All they have between now and the elec­tion is to stop the repub­li­cans from vot­ing. Yes its the cost of liv­ing and its glob­al infla­tion but you cant vote repub­li­can. The new UK prime min­is­ter is a hin­du and is tied to chi­na. The gener­ic poll does­nt drill down shows democ­rats over repub­li­cans in con­trol of con­gress. When they drill down in the poll, all time mid term highs show 71% say wrong direc­tion, only 20% right direc­tions.

The wind has shift­ed. The don­keys crapped their pants.

The enthu­si­asm among black vot­ers is low­er than the white demo­graph­ic they did­n’t put in the lati­no vote. If they dont get the inter­est of the black vot­er for Stacey Abrams she wont make it. That is why Oba­ma is com­ing to GA.

Biden falls asleep answer­ing the ques­tion. Its get­ting a lot of atten­tion but not the atten­tion the White House wants. He fell asleep talk­ing about what Jill said about him run­ning in 2024. Won­der if Joe would be dead for 72 hours before we knew about it.

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