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Dont Analyze What Went Wrong But Look At What Went Right.

The mes­sag­ing and deliv­ery was wrong. Dont ana­lyze what went wrong but look at what went right.

Every­one came in and attacked Oz in the repub­li­can pri­ma­ry. All the can­di­dates from the pri­ma­ry and they nev­er came out and got behind Oz after the pri­ma­ry. Oz was the Trump endorsed can­di­date but he may have been the least liked Trump endorsed can­di­date. You cant win in PA if you can’t get the par­ty behind you.

Dark MAGA was behind Mas­tri­ano.

You can­not over­come the cor­rup­tion in Philadel­phia Coun­ty if all the stars are not aligned. Every state has an amount of cor­rup­tion, that is where we are in Amer­i­ca. We have to try to over­come the cor­rupt pock­ets out there. And you cant do it unless you have the right peo­ple in place.

We are shoot­ing our­selves in the foot. The Dark MAGA that keeps churn­ing things up and whip­ping things into a fren­zy for the mon­ey, you will con­tin­ue to lose the elec­tions.

Matt Walsh — The Repub­li­cans Par­ty out­side of Flori­da has no mes­sage. No dis­ci­pline. No Lead­er­ship. No courage to con­front the impor­tant issues head on. Thats why theyre los­ing to lit­er­al­ly brain dam­aged can­di­dates. We need a total over­haul.

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