Home / Shows / ASK THE DOC : Prostate Cancer and Myeloma

ASK THE DOC : Prostate Cancer and Myeloma

Ques­tion 1: A 60 year old patient with prostate can­cer Glea­son 4+3 with each 20–50% involved. Urol­o­gist rec­om­mend­ed surgery, his PCP sug­gest­ed med­ical oncol­o­gist or radi­a­tion ther­a­pist. What is Dr. Wha­leys sug­ges­tions?
Ques­tion 2: A 70 year old patient is in chem­i­cal clin­i­cal remis­sion with myelo­ma and tak­ing low dose Revlim­id now has a low amount of pro­tein in his blood. What are his options and should he con­sid­er stem cell trans­plant?
Measle out­break in Ohio.
Covid is out there. If you get symp­toms, get test­ed and get treat­ment.

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