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Elon Musk Is Allowing The Flow Of Information And Allowing You To Make Your Own Mind

MTG state­ment at CPAC. Was it too much or too far?

White House rips “dis­gust­ing” Elon Musk for Prosecute/Fauci tweet. Fau­ci claims that his safe­ty is at risk since the tweet. The only one that had Free Speech was Fau­ci. Fau­ci was at the top of the tree. The state health depart­ment led back to Fau­cis speech. There has­nt been any talk about how dan­ger­ous it has been to speak out against the vac­cines or the COVID response. There are doc­tors that have made every attempt to speak out. There are doc­tors that tried to talk about the vac­cine. There have been doc­u­men­taries post­ed and delet­ed. Elon allows us to have the con­ver­sa­tion and reveal what was sup­pressed inter­nal­ly and they cant take it. Dr. Robert Mal­one was rein­stat­ed on Twit­ter. Remem­ber what hap­pened to Dr. Mal­one when he was on Joe Rogans pod­cast. He is the inven­tor and skep­tic of mRNA vac­cines. Elon has now allowed him to have a plat­form to speak and that is not accept­able. Peter McCul­lough has a voice on Twit­ter again. Many doc­tors have teamed up going through the 1000s of Pfiz­er pages expos­ing the dan­gers of the vac­cine. Elon is allow­ing the flow of infor­ma­tion and allow­ing you to make up your own mind. The WH is so bent out of shape that Elon is not bow­ing to the FBI.

DOJ sub­poe­nas Raf­fensperg­er office as Trump inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues. They will not stop until the indict Trump

7 years ago today the world adopt­ed the Paris cli­mate accord. The White House is excit­ed about it.

Biden has to look eager to get Paul Whe­lan released. What kind of deal will he make next?

Biden will sign the Respect for Mar­riage Act

1500 migrants cross in 1 day in El Paso

The RNC lop­sided pow­er strug­gle, anoth­er term of Ron­na McDaniel?

Sam has been arrest­ed. Silence from all the super­stars. The elite give mon­ey just to say they were there.

Philadel­phia removes the box cov­er­ing the Colum­bus stat­ue.

Rich­mond removes its last con­fed­er­ate mon­u­ment.

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