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Someone Has To Highlight the Lies, Deceit and Corruption

We have named the show today. Killing the Repub­li­can par­ty. You have read the Twit­ter thread. And you know what hap­pened in 2020. The media is try­ing to make it like it nev­er hap­pened. We know that Hunter Biden was mak­ing mon­ey in Chi­na and Ukraine while his dad was Vice Pres­i­dent.

Chris Christie says the repub­li­can par­ty needs to embrace the truth no mat­ter how it hurts. We all know what hap­pens and what hap­pened with Twit­ter. Wow some­one has to high­light the lies, deceit and cor­rup­tion.

Liz Chaney say­ing that repub­li­cans cant be loy­al to Don­ald Trump and loy­al to the con­sti­tu­tion. It is not end­ing Trump. They are try­ing to end Trump think­ing the democ­rats will thank them and allow them to win an elec­tion.

See if you hear any­thing about the Twit­ter files Out of nowhere Trump is want­i­ng to abol­ish the Con­sti­tu­tion. Out of nowhere. Elon slams the net­works for ignor­ing the release of the Twit­ter files that expose Hunter Biden lap­top files. Tweets delet­ed by Twit­ter from the direc­tion of the Biden team. The Lib­er­al media deceived the Amer­i­can pub­lic by not expos­ing the infor­ma­tion. Elon say that Twit­ter cen­sor­ship of the lap­top sto­ry was the def­i­n­i­tion of elec­tion inter­fer­ence and act­ing as an arm of the DNC. Yet it was out of nowhere.

The rail­road strike, They claim that the peo­ple in the union said it was all about the sick days. There is a rea­son behind the rail­road bill. It looks like Con­gress did some­thing about it and the union is mad. Kather­ine Clark said on Meet the Press exact­ly what they want to do have a nation­al pol­i­cy for paid sick leave.. Sick Leave man­dat­ed by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Who is going to pay for this? The only thing that is stop­ping it is the resis­tance from the GOP.

The peo­ple that invest­ed in the FTX/Sam Bankman Fried, what was going on with what they thought was a good invest­ment. What about this guy made you think he was bril­liant? The manip­u­la­tion and the attempt to steal an elec­tion. Every­body was involved to steal an elec­tion. And its crick­ets with evi­dence every­where.

Kather­ine Clark say­ing that it is the democ­rats that are push­ing back on the dark mon­ey, but the indi­vid­ual cam­paigns should make their own deci­sion if they return the mon­ey from FTX.

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