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The Head to Head Battle in GA for Senate The Polls are open

The polls are open. Every­one is won­der­ing how it will work out today in the head to head bat­tle for the final Sen­ate seat.

Katie Hobbs with Doug Ducey in AZ sign­ing the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion of the AZ elec­tion.

How did Warnock get the ear­ly vot­er edge? In GA democ­rats always make sure they get a head start in vot­ing. In the new state law/rules you’re not sup­posed to hold ear­ly vot­ing on the Sat­ur­day after a hol­i­day. There was not sup­posed to be ear­ly vot­ing on the Sat­ur­day after Thanks­giv­ing. But democ­rats went to court say­ing the state is sup­press­ing the vote. So the court ruled that the coun­ties were giv­en the green light to open the polls that Sat­ur­day. There were 22 coun­ties out of 159 that chose to vote that Sat­ur­day. Odd­ly enough the black vote increased almost 5%. The 22 coun­ties that opened that week­end. Now the repub­li­cans are pick­ing up the slack.

Repub­li­cans need a mas­sive turnout to win the elec­tion for Her­schel. If the 9th and 14th dis­trict in GA dont turn out, Her­schel will not win. Who in the Her­schel cam­paign brought Lind­sey Gra­ham cam­paign with Her­schel in North GA? And Nik­ki Haley? A bet­ter way to get the 9th and 14th dis­tricts fired up would be to parade Don­ald Trump and Ron DeSan­tis through the streets of the dis­tricts. If Her­schel wins tonight it can­not be with Don­ald Trump or Ron DeSan­tis, It has to be with tra­di­tion­al repub­li­cans and Bri­an Kemp. But if he los­es it is Trump’s fault, the can­di­date that Trump gave us.

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