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Are You Ready For January?

If we do not get con­trol of this now with our chil­dren, the Cam­bridge dic­tio­nary has changed the def­i­n­i­tion of a woman. You dont get assigned any­thing to you at birth. This is sim­ple biol­o­gy. Sci­ence on this is very sim­ple. When the dic­tio­nary puts togeth­er their def­i­n­i­tions for the year, they use sev­er­al dif­fer­ent sources. They prob­a­bly use a source for this from the psy­chi­atric jour­nals, dsm5, etc and these words get used in laws that are craft­ed in your states. This is also the def­i­n­i­tion used in cor­po­ra­tions as they write the human resource depart­ment.

They keep ask­ing Joe Manchin if he will leave the demo­c­rat par­ty. IF BKP is wrong so be it, Joe Manchin will not leave the demo­c­rat par­ty. The Manchin name is a demo­c­rat for­ev­er in West Vir­ginia polit­i­cal his­to­ry. He will stay as a demo­c­rat and will run in WV as a demo­c­rat and will win or retire as a demo­c­rat.

North Korea fires 2 bal­lis­tic mis­siles in the resump­tion of test­ing. There will be some things that hap­pen at the first of the year. There will be some things that hap­pen with North Korea, Rus­sia, Chi­na, Ukraine. The US is fund­ing Ukraine and send­ing weapon sys­tems as if they are part of NATO.

You will read head­lines that Putin will be assas­si­nat­ed or that he will be over­thrown. Putin is in Belarus as Russ­ian drones tar­get the Ukrain­ian cap­i­tal. He is ask­ing Belarus to get into the con­flict.

Why report on the Sam Bankman Fried and the dra­ma around that. When ignor­ing the Twit­ter files.

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