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What Would They Have If They Didnt Have Donald Trump?

What would they have if they did­nt have Don­ald Trump> Trump faces a week of headaches on Jan 6 and his tax­es. This week will be among the most con­se­quen­tial.

They can find this evi­dence, but they cant find any evi­dence of vot­er fraud or the cor­rup­tion of Hunter Biden. But the evi­dence is clear on Trump.

When the DOJ comes out with an indict­ment, it will most cer­tain­ly be when the DOJ knows for sure they can con­vict Trump. They brought the impeach­ment charges as the twice dis­graced Trump. They will not have a prob­lem with not being able to get a con­vic­tion. But what they want is an indict­ed pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee. To have the news spin every­where. The indict­ed for­mer pres­i­dent is now run­ning for pres­i­dent. They will want schol­ars to run hours and hours and debate whether he would be able to par­don him­self.

Only thing on Elon Musk is if he will resign as CEO.

AS repub­li­cans take hold. We can nev­er let things hap­pen again like what hap­pened dur­ing covid. Will any­body go to jail?

In the first 2 years repub­li­cans had con­trol of the house with Paul Ryan. every one of these com­mit­tees and what they were inves­ti­gat­ing they could­n’t get sub­poe­na pow­er. Paul Ryan would not go the dis­tance and get the infor­ma­tion the com­mit­tees need­ed. Will Kevin McCarthy do what is nec­es­sary for some­one to go to jail and be account­able? When was the last time repub­li­cans sent over a crim­i­nal refer­ral? Most repub­li­cans are tired of the stone walling.

If Kevin McCarthy is going to be speak­er of the house, he will have to back the com­mit­tees and give them sub­poe­na and crim­i­nal refer­rals to the DOJ.

The Amer­i­can peo­ple want pros­e­cu­tions. They want Antho­ny Fau­ci and the peo­ple that were sup­press­ing infor­ma­tion.

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