Home / News / Jan 6 Cmte Has Just Sent 4 Criminal Referrals To The DOJ On Trump

Jan 6 Cmte Has Just Sent 4 Criminal Referrals To The DOJ On Trump

The Jan 6 cmte has just sent 4 crim­i­nal refer­rals to the DOJ on Trump. This is all the­ater. Between GA and the DOJ there will be an indict­ment.
You would think that this would be in the news The FBI paid Twit­ter back more than $3M for doing its dirty work on users, email shows.
Con­spir­a­cy to defraud the US. What about the con­spir­a­cy to manip­u­late vot­ers? FBI offi­cial turned Twit­ter gen­er­al coun­sel Jim Bak­er signed a let­ter thank­ing Bureau offi­cials for con­vinc­ing social media net­work Hunter Biden lap­top sto­ry was fake. The Hunter Biden sto­ry is Joe Biden, the cor­rupt Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Bak­er and the FBI con­vinced Twit­ter that the sto­ry was fake. They stomped out the on fire sto­ry from the NY Post, every­body stopped the sto­ry
Con­spir­a­cy to make a false state­ment. Are we talk­ing about Trump? The FBI? Joe Biden? Would that be the 51 for­mer CIA agents that had secu­ri­ty clear­ance that signed the let­ter say­ing the Hunter Biden lap­top was Russ­ian mis­in­for­ma­tion. They knew that day that the data was real and Joe Biden was com­pro­mised.
Incite, Assist or aid or com­fort an insur­rec­tion.
They hope they will get the indict­ment they need to pro­hib­it him from hold­ing office again.
Kari Lake had 10 elec­tion claims in AZ. and the Judge threw out 8 and allowed 2 to con­tin­ue. Pay atten­tion in AZ. Two are going to tri­al are direct­ly the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the Sec­re­tary of State in AZ who is Katie Hobbs. Print­er mal­func­tion and bal­lot chain of cus­tody.
They will not report on the Twit­ter files but they will report on Sam Bankman Fried? Why? Is this going to be a net­flix series? You think the Jan6 un-select cmte played yes­ter­day as Con­gress releas­es $1.7 Tril­lion spend­ing bill as shut­down looms.
Muf­fin says the bor­der is not open.
Head­lines: Trump faces 40 years in prison.

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