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BKP Politics News To Watch: Jan 10, 2023

Dia­mond of Dia­mond and Silk dies at 51 in her North Car­oli­na Home.

The head­line is not accu­ratePro­posed rule would shield Geor­gia sen­a­tors from dis­clos­ing leg­isla­tive work. Read this arti­cle. The state of GA is not trans­par­ent at all. Real repub­li­cans are trans­par­ent. If repub­li­cans are want­i­ng to stand up like real repub­li­cans then they can start oper­at­ing with trans­paren­cy.

BKP talks about the GA Bull­dogs foot­ball game.

We have a use­less AG Chris Carr in GA. The AG from MO break­ing tweet about anoth­er batch of emails from MO vs Biden. Where does our law­suit stand in GA going after the Biden admin­is­tra­tion going after the free speech of Geor­gians.

Pay Atten­tion to who was at the table with Biden in Mex­i­co. Jake Sul­li­van, Mer­rick Gar­land (when the doc­u­ment in Joe Bidens office as VP sur­face), May­oriks, John Ker­ry. A pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words.

They were aware of the doc­u­ments before the elec­tion.

Pfiz­er board mem­ber Scott Got­tlieb leaned on Twit­ter to cen­sor tweets that sup­pressed the tweets that said that nat­ur­al immu­ni­ty was stronger than the shot.

Con­gress needs to inves­ti­gate the medias role in the manip­u­la­tion of infor­ma­tion on COVID

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