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Joe Discovers Fentanyl Is In The US

Joe is in Mex­i­co.

Fen­tanyl is the lead cause of death from 18–49 and 20K pounds of fen­tanyl seized at the bor­der. Joe Biden did­nt just find this out. They are going to make this a cam­paign issue that Biden is doing every­thing he can. We can’t just say increase law enforce­ment pay. You cant just say you back the blue. We cant come up with all the clich­es and one lin­ers, because what does that solve? The bor­ders wide open and the drugs com­ing into our dis­tricts. There can be leg­is­la­tors talk­ing about increas­ing pay for law enforce­ment and that isnt bad just not going to solve the prob­lem.

Repub­li­cans are not going to cut the Defense. They are going to cut non-defense dis­cre­tionary bud­gets.

When the wrong kid with the right name dies from fen­tanyl, some­thing will hap­pen.

And Joe is in Mex­i­co talk­ing about our cli­mate foot­print.

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