Home / News / Media Is Not Talking About: Debt Ceiling Poll, Tech Layoffs, Poland Tank Push, & More

Media Is Not Talking About: Debt Ceiling Poll, Tech Layoffs, Poland Tank Push, & More

  • Yes­ter­day we played the video from 9–10 (day before 9–11) when Don­ald Rums­feld said there was $2.3T miss­ing from the pen­ta­gon dur­ing his audit of the pen­ta­gon. War is a nec­es­sary evil but only in extreme mea­sures. But the War Machine went into full bloom with a 20 year mul­ti tril­lion dol­lar war. We have got­ten so cor­rupt that the war mon­gers will do any­thing to keep the war going.
  • The Trump and Biden doc­u­ment is a smoke screen. This could kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
  • Now we have a new repub­li­can lead­er­ship that is inves­ti­gat­ing the FBI. Now con­ve­nient­ly we have an FBI head accused of work­ing for a Russ­ian Oli­garch.
  • They also need a smoke screen to get you off the debt ceil­ing. Most Amer­i­cans oppose rais­ing the debt ceil­ing with­out spend­ing cuts. Most peo­ple in Amer­i­ca know that we are at a point of no return. But what could take their mind a major cur­ren­cy col­lapse or change in cur­ren­cy is a war. Every time we get into a com­fort zone some­thing hap­pens that the gov­ern­ment can prove we need them to han­dle things for us. And the gov­ern­ment says we dont tru­ly know what will hap­pen. The Amer­i­can peo­ple may be at a point to see the What if
  • 200,000 tech employ­ees have been laid off since the start of 2022. The Covid mon­ey is gone.
  • Poland says it will push to send tanks to Ukraine. In Poland the largest land mass troops are in place. Ger­many is not com­ing on board. Rus­sia warns Ger­many that tank move does­nt bode well for future rela­tions.
  • In Amer­i­ca they think the four oath keep­ers con­vict­ed of sedi­tious con­spir­a­cy in Jan 6 attack. The smoke screens that are played in Amer­i­ca. What will they do when we have a cur­ren­cy col­lapse? YOu have states talk­ing about a sur­plus and how great the econ­o­my is. What hap­pens when the print­ing press stops? No one talks about how we got the sur­plus.
  • Venezuela is back in the game for pump­ing oil. Mex­i­co does­nt like us. And we are doing the CHIPS act pre­tend­ing like it will bol­ster Amer­i­ca but it will ben­e­fit Mex­i­co. While the smoke screen is going on we have 5 mil­lion peo­ple pil­ing into the US and our drug prob­lem, crime, home­less­ness is up. When we final­ly start get­ting the real truth on the vac­cines, they will have to do some­thing to get us under con­trol.

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