Home / Featured Segments / Janelle King and BKP talk about the Race Narrative and Messaging

Janelle King and BKP talk about the Race Narrative and Messaging

  • The media goes as far as call­ing the super bowl as the black quar­ter­back super­bowl. The nar­ra­tive they have to run. It is a very com­pli­cat­ed top­ic. It is hyper­sen­si­tive right now because of the times. It is a mon­u­men­tal moment but the top­ic of race is impor­tant to so many peo­ple. There has to be a lev­el of diver­si­ty because that is what our coun­ty is.
  • No one has talked about the mil­lions of dol­lars that have been put out to train our offi­cers. And no one is talk­ing about the attacks on the protests on these train­ing facil­i­ties.
  • The democ­rats are using emo­tion. And the black com­mu­ni­ty isnt wak­ing up to the attacks. The mes­sag­ing of good trou­ble is encour­ag­ing them to act with­out con­se­quences. In 2020 we saw all this riot­ing which result­ed in autonomous zones and peo­ple get­ting killed and attack­ing police offi­cers and burn­ing down build­ings and they were arrest­ed and released with­in hours with­out reper­cus­sions. The democ­rats want to talk about out­liers and use them to push the agen­da. They are uti­liz­ing the black com­mu­ni­ty as the Tro­jan horse. The demo­c­rat par­ty, the white lib­er­als, are using this to push and divide the nation on race and not talk about the train­ing.
  • They are try­ing to put Tim Scott into a box, like he isnt tak­ing care of his peo­ple if he does­n’t go a cer­tain way. The decay of the black com­mu­ni­ty has result­ed in the vio­lence and many peo­ple dont under­stand what is hap­pen­ing in the cities. This is affect­ing our entire nation. The low­er income com­mu­ni­ties are being tak­en advan­tage of. Kings for Amer­i­ca is tar­get­ing men and lis­ten­ing to the issues to get to the root cause of the break­down in the tra­di­tion­al fam­i­ly unit. We arent teach­ing our chil­dren to cope.
  • The young peo­ple are wit­ness­ing that the old­er gen­er­a­tion is say­ing one thing and the results are not what they know to be right. And they are reach­ing out to do the research to get to the truth. If the repub­li­can par­ty can stay on tar­get and get to talk about con­ser­v­a­tive. Kings for Amer­i­ca are bypass­ing the gate­keep­ers as they only push their own agen­da. KFA is going into the com­mu­ni­ty and hav­ing bar­ri­ers that are pre­vent­ing the mes­sage so the need to go to direct con­tact with the peo­ple. Lets Win For Amer­i­ca Action is doing that and explain­ing the agen­da on a one on one basis. Explain­ing infla­tion and more.
  • The most impor­tant on the House inves­ti­ga­tions because of the num­ber of young peo­ple that are dying sud­den­ly. We have to dig into that but we also have to pay atten­tion to what the peo­ple are actu­al­ly car­ing about like feed­ing our fam­i­lies. The debt ceil­ing needs to be mes­saged prop­er­ly because many peo­ple dont under­stand. We need to pro­vide con­tin­u­ous updates. WE pass bills that have tan­gi­ble items that can direct­ly impact the peo­ple. Edu­cat­ing peo­ple is what we need to focus on. And talk in their lan­guage.
  • Chil­dren lost 30% of learn­ing due to COVID. We need to have a list of things that should nev­er hap­pen again.
  • Have you noticed the Fair Tax Plan and how Hakeem Jef­feries is manip­u­lat­ing the nar­ra­tive. Pass­ing the Fair Tax Act will elim­i­nate the Fed­er­al Income Tax by rais­ing the State Tax. WE need to change the nar­ra­tive to direct to the mil­len­ni­als and edu­cate them on how it impacts them. If we focus on the issue and not what the per­son looks like that is push­ing the issue.

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