Home / News / Not Reported! $400+M For Training Already And Antifa And BLM Protest In Atlanta

Not Reported! $400+M For Training Already And Antifa And BLM Protest In Atlanta

  • Why did Tyre run? If he lays on the ground and gets hand­cuffed does he get the pri­vate beat­ing or does he get the pub­lic beat­ing if he runs? There were five black offi­cers. They are not acknowl­edg­ing that the offi­cer that dis­charged the taser is white. They have to fit their nar­ra­tive. Yes­ter­day noth­ing on the white guy. Today they found the white guy. 2 white guys are placed on leave, only rec­og­niz­ing 1 of the white guys, Pre­ston Hemphill. Know­ing that Hemphill was white why did they with­hold the infor­ma­tion on the white guy when the media was try­ing to run the race nar­ra­tive. And the EMTs were only treat­ing for the pep­per spray. What the media wants you to believe is that the 2 white offi­cers that were released only one name was released. Hemphill was the 3rd one that showed up at the traf­fic stop. He gets out and they have already engaged Tyre. When Tyre does­n’t com­ply, the train­ing kicks in. when you run they are going to deploy the taser.
  • They are talk­ing about the George Floyd Polic­ing act. The tax­pay­ers have put out mil­lions of dol­lars for train­ing, $400M or some­thing. MPD gets $9.8M of those funds
  • Just days before Atlanta police arrest­ed 6 in a night of chaos after vio­lent pro­test­ers lit cop car ablaze, smashed win­dows. They are protest­ing against the pro­posed Atlanta police train­ing facil­i­ty esca­la­tion. Antifa and BLM protest­ed the train­ing facil­i­ty and a pro­test­er was killed by police. Why isnt this in the news? Because it does­nt fit the nar­ra­tive.
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